Super Housemonkey!
They seem to sleep a lot don't they?
Bulent, clearly you are not familiar with the subspecies of wiener dog..
This is their natural energetic state.
When more active than this, they are rapidly depleted and revert back to their natural state.
Actually, they are preparing for battle mode.
Short history lesson for those of you in different countries and on different continents:
During WWI, the US Marines fought at Belleau Wood. The tenacity and ferocity of the US Marines is said to have caused the Germans to refer to them as "Teufel Hunden" or Hounds from Hell. This was turned into the nick name "Devil Dog" and has been a storied nick name for US Marines ever since.
Naturally, the US Marines also used Canine units in various conflicts and wars throughout history.
However, it wasnt until the Vietnam war that the "Teufel Tunnel Hunden"came about.
The Viet Cong (VC for short) and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA for short) were masters at digging tunnels for fighting, and building underground bunkers, and hospital complexes as they fought the US and Allied forces. Clearing these underground bunkers, tunnels and complexes was dangerous work, and took special soldiers who would go down in these tunnels and fight with NVA and VC often in close quarters.
These men became known as Tunnel Rats, and they often fought with just a pistol and a knife.
A little known but very important part of the Tunnel Rat's arsenal was the "Teufel Tunnel Hunden", or what is being referred to in this thread as a "weiner dog".
Dachshunds were actually bred in Germany to hunt badgers. These brave (but silly looking dogs) actually go into a badger's den, and drag it out. I dont know if you've actually looked at or seen a badger recently, but they are short, compact, strong and festooned with sharp claws and fangs. They also come from the factory with a surly attitude and a temperament that will make a Tasmanian Devil think twice about messing with them. Picture grabbing a buzz saw barehanded, and you have the equivalent of grabbing a badger.
And these strange silly looking dogs, were bred to go into a badger's lair and drag it out.
Naturally, it just made sense for the US Marines Tunnel Rat's in Vietnam to bring Dachshunds down with them. After fighting badgers in a dark hole underground, the VC and NVA must have been pretty easy work for the Dachshunds.
Thus the "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" were born.
Their successes in Vietnam were legendary, but rarely spoken of since it was a classified unit. However, one lone VC soldier managed to somehow survive an attack by a "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" and spread the word to the VC and NVA high command.
When I think of the horror that soldier must have endured at the savage fangs of a Dachshund, I get goosebumps. It must have been like being eaten alive by a really tiny grizzly bear. And since Vietnam has no native grizzly bears, (or Dachshunds for that matter), it must have been incredibly terrifying to that soldier.
Once the VC and NVA high command heard about the "Teufel Tunnel Hunden", it became paramount to stop them. During the Paris Peace Accords, "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" and their employment in the theater of battle were among the top concessions the NVA and VC wanted from the US.
In order to bring peace to the region and save hundreds of thousands of lives, the "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" were retired from combat duty.
However, the legend lives on. "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" are spoken of in whispers at various Dachshund breeder meetings and on Dachshund websites. Bloodlines that can be traced back to actual "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" combat veterans are highly sought after and command a premium among those in the know.
It's very difficult to actually get information on these particular dogs and their ancestors since much of the information is actually classified, even to this day. Additionally, the breeders who have actual descendants of "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" are sworn to secrecy. As you know, the first rule of Fight Club, is you do NOT talk about Fight Club. And the second rule of Fight Club is that you do NOT talk about Fight Club.
However, if you know where to look and who to talk to, you can find out more information on these historic and unsung warriors.
It's also important to remember, inside each Dachshund, there is a "Teufel Tunnel Hunden" waiting to get out.
"Teufel Tunnel Hunden" are a storied part of US Marine Corps history, and should not be forgotten. Spread the word and share the history.
I've already said too much. If this post gets mysteriously deleted, and I'm not heard from again on this board, you all know why....