Matt colors look awesome!Now i get where you find all that "carefree" reaction regarding aefw

Who cares about them,when tank looks like this

Really hope it stays unaffected bud!Didn't have any luck in my case

Restarted both times.Tried to fight it the first one but end up just loosing time,money and hopes.
Regarding sipo and matrix.
Correct me if i'm wrong but you introduced sipo and matrix in the tank 5 months ago.
Your No3 level at that time,were already 5-10.
For the next 4 months while using both,nitrates stayed at that exact level.At least from the test results you were kindly sharing bud.
The first time you noticed them rising at 25-50 was a month+ back.
When you thought that something AF related could mess with the salifert test.
So my question is why,high flow through the media wasn't creating no3 for 4 months and started after that?
Many many people have their sipo wrongly/not ideally placed and do not experience no3 raise.
Not doing it's job(no3 reduction) in some of the cases yes but not the opposite.
I stand stubbornly

against the theory that HIGH FLOW through sipo and matrix, creates no3.
The reasons for that,i mentioned before,no need to repeat and make the post even longer

Plus my personal exp shows the opposite and other people's exp included.But every tank is different,so personal exp isn't a biblical thing.
So my thoughts on your no3 are
1.Flow wasn't as high as it seemed or it wasn't so evenly flowing through the media(sump or reactor).
That (as you already know,no need for lectures from me mate) can create no3 indeed,as detritus(uneaten food etc) build up and as they disintegrate end up creating no3.
So as the months passed by without rinsing etc,resulted in more and more detritus.
What if removing matrix actually removed detritus,resulting in that no3 reduction you witnessed ?I think someone though of it before me.
2.Both times i dealt with aefw,sps corals where not happy/healthy.
Even my ca and kh raised because their growth rate paused.
So while aefw started doing their nasty work,you kept your AF routines and coral feeding schedule.
What if the stressed corals "froze" and couldn't consume( or assist in the % they did before) ,all the AF-etc food that was thrown in the tank resulting in no3 raise?
3.That plastic rock isn't helping at all regarding tank's biological functions and you need more sipo?matrix?live rock?dead rock?
Just thoughts and my 02 cents matt.
Not guru material/stuff!
The only reason i insist in all this blah blah, is because a "special guy" is waiting anxiously around the corner,to get justified...for his theories.And then...omg...then...
When there is absolutely no sharing of personal data,tests,photos,sharing his tank etc and i anxiously await for them,so i/we can see where all that wisdom comes from.
Otherwise i'd just stare at your amazing pics and simply express my admiration

Just to clarify something,i don't think it was wrong removing it.
Like you said already,what's the point having it there,when it's not working.More space to try something else

After all you know what's best for you and your tank