So today was a whole lot of fun:headwally:
I was adjusting one of the 6 bulb sun powers, while it was running, and the opposite side mount pulled out of the ceiling:eek2:
I wasn't using their good drywall mounts, my fault. Running lamp into the tank, big splash over the side
Luckily I had the presence of mind to grab my phone and turn the lights off on that fixture before pulling it out of the tank. Not that it was lit, the water took care of turning the bulbs off for me:uhoh3:. I propped it on the edge of the tank, grabbed something to put under it and reinstalled the mount with the heavy duty drywall anchor. While doing so I couldn't find the flat washer from the original mount
Once hung back up, I opened it up, removed the bulbs, dried it out with paper towels, and turned the fan on to blow air through it. I then re-glued corals that were broken by the fall, luckily not too much damage there. I blew out all the fittings with compressed air until I couldn't extract any more moisture and grabbed some working bulbs from the garage, With a little drying, believe it or not all the bulb pairs eventually lit up!:celeb2:
I then re-intalled all the previous bulbs, and found that the two Fiji purple and one blue plus bulbs were toast. That required me to do a little rearranging since I don't have spares for the Fiji purples. I took one from the other fixture so each fixture has one Fiji Purple and I replaced the other with an ABS. Now Each fixture has 3 blue, 1 actinic, 1 ABS, and 1 Fiji purple.
I started worrying about what happened to the washer, since I couldn't find it anywhere. I ended up lifting up each of the mega rock structures up and siphoning every last bit of gunk underneath them as well as sifting the Sandbox to try to find the washer. No luck.:headwalls:
I put a fresh Poly-filter and bag of carbon in to counteract any crud that got into the tank from the incident and I will keep a close eye on the system. I couldn't find the washer around the tank either, but it could have bounced and rolled, who knows.