WOW, so many questions from just a phrase i said!! You could just ask what i mean when i say it would be better. :lolspin :
Lets take from the start
In my humble opinion, his tank is already amasing indeed!! But the momment we are stop looking for improvement and progress, we are not present our tank in a forum talking about how to make it better.
Maybe it will not make his tank better, maybe it will make it better, either in color, either in stability. You have personaly experience to know? I do have for at least 2 tanks so far and that is all i am saying, IMHO it is better a calcium reactor compare to balling or two parts. Already many people here in RC state this. Does not matter if it an "old" tech, its the best for me and its a classic one.
Thit is a very healthy behavior, in our hobby we have to think outside of the box sometimes, but with solid base in our thinking. Calcium reactor, has a full logic behind it, a pure solid one and we want to make use of it.
Reduce the amount of any carbon dosing will increase the amount of both nitrate and phosphate in our water, it will not make them balanced. What we want is the balance between them and it is a common belief that po4 can be harder to control with a carbon source than nitrates. There is already some amasing topics here in RC, talking exacly about this imbalance that ussualy happents and simple ways that you can deal with it. And the most natural way so far is to add nitrates in this case, or phosphates if you have All in one Pelets like slavetonet mentioned before.
Exist amasing topics here to read about this kind of thinking. Topics like these that explain a great deal of how we can use nature and the simplest aproaches and get such great results!!
For example
I'm fertilizing my tank:
Or this great topic where Matt also participates a lot.
Dosing Nitrate to reduce Phosphate:
or even the mother of these subjects
Vodka, vinegar,biopellets and other organic carbon dosing:
We are talking about amasing information in these topics and the list is much bigger. The way an aquarium works in a kind of balance nutrients, in the base of Redfield scale is amasing! The most amasing thing, is that we can use this in our favor and here i could see exactly how from people that already tried it and i am taking their know how for my benefit. The least i could do is reply back what my own experience was. Things that show exactly how Zeovit works, Biopellets works, Liquid carbon etc in great depth.
Why NO3 addition in balance to be the only think as "food" source, i would like to know your point of view. Nitrates is not a food, its a nutrient.
The idea of fuzzy is different to each one of us. Someone wants to have a tank with the minimum amount of effort, its a hobby, totaly normal. On the other hand someone, might wanted to devote 3, maybe 4 times your time and efford. He will see a bit better results, not much but he will see, maybe 10% or even 15%? He will see some better results. That is also totaly normal and there is soooo many people here that are doing this that i do not feel lonely in a way :bounce3 :
My friend you will see my tank soon enought. Right now i am preparing for a trip to a coral heaven in South east Asia, i really hope when i returned to still have an aquarium to show :fish1 :
Everyone indeed loves a good reef discussion and i can not be the exception, so i take the liberty and hijacked Matt's topic. Hope its ok : strange:
Ionic imbalance unfortunatly exists on all chemicals that we add in the water, with the exeption of kalkwasser. KH is based on Na and calcium and magnesium is based on Chloride. So when the tank is new you can skip a good of water changes, but the more old the water it becomes you are starting to have weird stn's on the most sensitive coral first. Many friends of mine have reported this problem. I have cases where people using CR went to balling to try the "new" aproach and after they where forced to return to CR cause of the problems they experienced. The reef moderator of aquatek forum in Greece for example experience that. An old and stable aquarium with huge acro colonies and stable and growing for years. Its a big list.
So better for me and from what i have experienced, means a huge decreace in unexplained stn's on delicate sps and a bit of depth in the colors in time. Not a bad trade off :dance :
Lighting set up is an other big subject that going on for many years. In my case, i own the hybrid of ATI and my leds are on for 11 hours around 120w power in 550lt tank, and the T5 banks (8) are on for 5 hours. I can grow sps on the corners of the aquarium easy and the colors and growth of the acros is showing the lights to be more than enought. A humple observation i had when i went from 4 hours of T5 to 5 hours, was an increased in kh and ca consumption as a result of extra growth and also i experienced a lightness in the colors of some acros. Matt every time i read your posts i laught with this "I call the big one "Bitey"". I am a fun :lolspin :
100% sure that would happen
Blah,blah,blah and conclusions /
I made two simple ?'s and neither one was answered.
I learned that you will leave for East Asia(as if i care or asked you),what your lighting schedule is(as if i asked you-My question was specific and addressed to matt and wanted to know how and if tweaking his fixtures hight{some weeks ago} changed his corals look),etc and other useless info.
Off course you included some really useful info of other people's work,that not only are irrelevant to my ?'s but most people here,know,even experienced and have already read:thumbsup:
Not something new nor world braking discoveries,these days.Already there,for sometime and God bless the people who go into the trouble of sharing them.
So i'm talking about the tree and you are talking about the forest and even the lake in some cases.
I'll say one more time....
My questions to YOU were...
1.You stated that with the CR matt will see a better tank in time.
And i clearly asked how and why would a CR make his tank and corals look better.
I clearly didn't get any answer.
A CR will probably/maybe(if it matches his needs,f.e for me it didn't) make matt's life better regarding some routines etc but will not affect it's look or coral health.For Gods shake,there are amazing tanks who use balling or two part and longterm!
If you have solid proof/arguments and scientific reports that a CR will make our tanks/corals better,present them so all the reefing community will change their methods and use a CR.After all christmas are close and can always give an opportunity(excuse in most cases

) to buy something.
It's a totally different supporting the use a CR just because you like it or matches your needs and different suggesting/using/buying one to make your tank totm material.
And many people get the feeling from your writings you claim that every tank which uses two part/balling and not a CR are doomed to fail/crash sooner or later!!!
With what data/proof/records do you claim that?
You base that on your friends opinions(with no data too) and on top of it you call it "weird stn's"?
Really?Weird?If that stn's where due to balling or two part use,they would be called "ballings/two parts stn" and not "weird stn's".
Since our arguments are based in "friends opinions",i had a friend who blamed for his stn's,balling method....turned out he had asterina starfish(the bad sp).
Never went to the trouble of sharing it with the others in public....after all it's hard to be a prophet proven wrong.
In my humble opinion and experience,stn can have numerous reasons and causes.Even people using CR experience unexplained stn's.I could easily claim that a CR's material or something "weird cr related" is to blame.
But that would be a theory in the best case or witch/ghost hunting in the worst.
I won't do that because i'd be a fool.
Have nothing against old technology and how could i have,since i still use older methods in my tank.I have 4 litres of siporax in my sump and the second CR i owned is still in my storage room,just in case.Can't even believe i'm clearing this up:uhoh3:
Did you really asked me if i have personal experience with a CR?Really?:lolspin:
First of all i said before i used two different brands,for two years each....second i never express MY opinion based on other peoples exp/sayings/writings etc.
In my village we have a saying..."you cannot be/claim to be a man with another man's pair of 00's,grow your own pair to show your manhood":thumbsup:
Unless you are calling me a liar

Would be very happy to prove the opposite.
And because that certain subject feels like you are trying to prove whose acro is bigger,i'll gladly leave you live your fairy tail.
2.My second question was more a request but still very simple and clear.I asked to see some recent pics of your tank so we can see what results you got using a CR and no3 supplementing,or all the other stuff you mentioned.
Would love to see if doing the things you say and reading those articles,helped you create some nice big colonies out of small frags.
After all most people here are firm believers of ....."pics or it never happened":thumbsup:
Happy to see even your first tank,so we could have an idea of how sps demanding it was.
I bet the new one has some huge and demanding sps colonies.After all here is the sps forum.
Matt and all the other guys are kind enough to share their results regarding NO3 supplementing.Would love to see how your corals improved their health,colors and even growth rate too.
Matt and the other fellas who use this method,i really admire you for the trouble you go into,in order to share all the info with pics etc.
I also admire the risk you take and the willing to try new things/methods.
Haven't said it doesn't work or that it's bad in any way.
I personally wouldn't do that,it's my humble opinion because i feel that it would be like trying to wear a jacket in the summer just because it's new and opening the air condition to cool my self and stop sweating.It's more simple not to wear the jacket or wear it during the winter.I don't know if you get me

If bp or something else,creates problems with my no3 or po4, i'd prefer to follow the simpler way and stop the reactor than to do all that stuff no3 supplementing requires.
But that is just me and it doesn't mean my approach is the best/ideal.
Every tank and hobbyist is different.
Feeling so silly for all this rumbling!
I've read many times,many threads and posts with meaningless fights over relative things which stayed relative after everyone was bored and tired to beat the already dead horse:deadhorse:
No conclusions or discoveries were made.
In some ?'s the answers are simple....does saltwater need salt?Who can argue about that.No but's,maybe's,imho's etc
This thing i have a feeling that will go on for long and not only i've promised to myself not to participate in such "whose is bigger" debates but i spend 40 mins to wright this stuff:hammer:
Did it make me wiser,supper hobbyist,reef guru,richer or made my tank look better? i prefer to spend my time finishing episode 13 in HALO or make a WC.