Busy day today, I got the Calcium Reactor into operation!
First off, let me give you a little insight into how incredibly stubborn I am. I searched all over Ebay trying to get a digital brushless peristaltic pump, and I did a lot of research about which models of Cole-Parmer pump to buy. I came across a pump that looked like it fit the bill, for only 219 bucks, so of course I pulled the trigger and bought it. I got it home and first off, no fuse and no fuse holder. It must have popped out when they were packing the pump:angryfire:
Did I call the seller? No. I opened the pump up and soldered in a couple of bypass wires and a fuse holder and started that bad boy up!:dance:
Ugh its not brushless:facepalm: Its LOUD:headwalls: But why is it so loud? I took it apart and started looking for the noise. Before long I had the pump and gear case completely apart and realized that the motor's noise is a fairly low hum, but that it resonates through the plastic case and is amplified significantly. I tried to put in some type of grommet to isolate the motor, but no dice. So I pulled the motor out completely, and found I could isolate it when out of the case. So I rewired the motor as a remote motor with an umbilical. The pump case and motor can be put in different places and it's quieter than the skimmer pump:thumbsup:
I swapped the CO2 cylinder out for a full one, and got the initial recirc going, everything appears to be working as it should. I will bring the Calcium reactor pH down to a steady 6.5, with a constant 35mL/min effluent rate, then I will adjust the effluent rate as needed.
The Calcium reactor and Peristaltic motor(bottom right under the skimmer):
I took this pic inside the sump, you can see the Pump control and the CO2 Cylinder and Regulator: