might purchase a used II EX - Advice?


New member
Would there be any future support issues?

Is the software used on the II going to conitnue to be available?

Should I wait for a III to become available?

Will the controller do anything more than turn standard Koralia 7 on and off (I assume you need the "controllable" Koralias to gain any other functionality.)

What are the Lports for? DCF?
support is no issue, warranty is, the warranty is only valid with the original owner. Buyer beware for things such as water damage and salt creep.

The P3 is available now and has been for nearly a year.

The controller will do masses, everything you read about here minus the P3 functions. You would require the Koralia module to control koralias.

L ports are the 1-10V interface ports.
S ports are the switchable socket ports, for power bars and dosers
DCF is not functional in NA as it is the connection for the German clock ;)
I bought the PII+ several months ago and I'm thrilled I did. My only regret is that I should have just saved my $$ for a lil longer and gotten the PIIIEX because in the long-run I'm going to want ALL those additional features anyway!

The PII+ is the backbone of the ProfiLux system so you can upgrade all day long and get tons of support/help from the forums.

Software is available 24/7 and upgrades come often right now.