Here is my 20H. 10 week old tank10 pounds of LR.
One question, how do you post your pics in the post instead of attached thumbnails?
not sure if i like it yet =\
well, i'm sure i like it. Nice job.
This thread definitely inspired my aquascape. My tank is currently cycling. I have 66lbs of rock (60lbs dry, 6lbs live) in a 125g.
Left side
Right side
elsefailed: What type of power head is that and where can I buy it?
Looks really nice...I like your rock, where did you get the dry rock? I am getting ready to set up a 120 and I am debating between BRS and marco...that is really only 60 lbs of dry rock??
Well, I'm sure I like it. Nice job.
Looks good Andrew, now put some water in that sucker.
How many pounds of rocks are there? The rocks looks just right.
I think it is PERFECT!!!!!!!!
If I had to do it over I would have used less rock. My old 180-gl had over 200 lbs. When I did my most recent 180-gl I add half and was i went even less then that. Minimal rock aquascape is the way to go and wish i came across this thread back in March of 2010. It is one of my favorite RC threads I subscribe too.