pukani rock is supper light compared to reef saver that's why you got so much more rock per pound.....how do you like it? I just bought a ton of it for my new tank....
my 210g
I suppose this might qualify as minimalist. 75g. Starting the cycle now.
Finished my 20g cubes aquascape yesterday...
Left... Front... Right...
I used dry Marco Rocks (and some cured ones from the LFS to seed.) I wanted to create the illusion of a much bigger tank, so I broke the rocks up and glued them together.
Only time will tell if I can actually attach corals to this thing!
Build Thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1972594
I notice many people attach their rocks to plastic cutting boards. Any type in particular? Where is the best place to buy safe ones? I never know what I can and can't put in my tank! I just don't want to buy something and have it leech into the tank.
I guess I could use eggcrate but then I can't drill for the rods I plan on using. Thanks!
you are looking for hdpe. look in your yellow pages for plastic supply places and they should be able to hook you up with what you need
I have been mounting like this for years using 3/4" hdpe, with 1/2" deep, 3/4" holes drilled into it, to hold the 3/4" acrylic rod epoxied to the rock. Any single one of these rods like this could support the entire reef on its own with 100% stability
On that note...Im getting close to done with my new aquascape project...a few more tweeks here and there
Looks GREAT, Bill!!! I have been wondering where you are!! How are you? As you can see, I am back in the Pacific Northwest again, moved back from Kansas in September....I had the Ricordia I got from you in my tank in KS, up until the day I had to sell everything! It did amazing! Anyway, glad to see you're still here and your tank looks awesome! How old is your son now? I have lost track.
Are those rocks tonga branches?
i like the first one better.