Minimalist Aquascaping

HDPE cuts just like any other plastic. Your radial saw should be fine.

Trace out the overflow and use a drill to make holes on the inside (area you're cutting out to make room for the overflow), so the jigsaw can make the turn at the corner. You'll be fine. Dont forget to silicone the cutting board down to the bottom of the tank or detritus will get underneath it and defeat the purpose of going BB.

Thanks Maxx!

I think I'm going to stay barebottom because I'd have to empty my tank in order for me to silicon the board to bottom. I was hoping it was heavy enough (add says it is heavy) to lye flat on the bottom of the tank and not allow detritus etc. to accumulate under it?
Nope. It floats.
Your tank is already running?
If so, then dont worry about it.

Lots of folks are running BB tanks just fine without starboard/cutting board bottoms.
Nope. It floats.
Your tank is already running?
If so, then dont worry about it.

Lots of folks are running BB tanks just fine without starboard/cutting board bottoms.

Rats! I didn't think that 24x24x1/2" block would float. It appealed to me after seeing it in one of the posters on this thread because I miss the nice "white" look of sand on the bottom, even if it's simulated with the cutting board.

If it floats I'm definitely staying with what I have running in the tank now which is bare-bottom
Hi everyone! Just read through menu pages of this thread - lots of amazing aquascapes! Here's my first attempt on a minimalist aquascape. Not entirely happy with the left island and still have the sand to add. Hope you like it - WIP:


just restarted my nano cube and here's the 3 layouts I tried and the resoning behind going with the third one.

Started with a single island setup

found it too simple and decided that it will not allow for the amount or shape of corals I want.

so added the upper rock and I liked how it looks better

Looked at it and decided that the tank still lacked something in the front like a small island to just add some more dynamic look.



Then experimented with few more simple rocks I had on hand and came up with this





Kept going back and forth between layout 2 and 3 and ended up choosing the later one for following reasons
it offered a more non standard Higher rock in the front. usually all my tanks and most of the tanks I see go from low to high to allow more visibility and a sense of added depth.
I really like the fact that from certain angle the high rock obstructs the view of whats behind it and leads you to physically turn and look from an oblique view (observed 2 persons instinctively do the same when checking out the layout. that led to a nice ravine shape which is nice and not easy to accomplish in a small setup.
What do you think?
Here's my 40 Gallon Breeder tank. I use about 40 lbs. of my 50 lbs. of rock and put it together like a puzzle. I used fiberglass rods and DryLok Fast plug to "glue" them together.


There are four separate standalone sections. Each have the bottoms cut flat and rest right on the glass. None of them can tip over and the two back large pieces only touch each other where they meet though they look like one solid structure. There is a lot of space all around them and in between with lots of shelves. It is pretty minimalistic IMO.


Will be putting the sand in today while I wait for my RODI unit to make some pure water.

Here are some other angles...




May I ask what kind of rock is that in the tank?
Aquascape design on a 120 ( 48''x24''x24'')

Aquascape design on a 120 ( 48''x24''x24'')

Here is a shot of my Aquaspaing - plenty of Overhangs, Caverns, and caves for the fish to swim through. ! I have right around a 100lbs of all Tonga Branch and Fiji Premium.

Tank Info: 120 Mixed Reef
@FLSharkvic - not directed at me since it isn't my post but what I believe will happen is they will move the head of the tie to a area less visible if or when possible. Then snug and clip the excess. Over time it will be covered by coral, algae, and other things in which case you will never see them again.
Going for the minimalist approach. It's a 110 gallon tank. Any tips guys?


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Love it. Will highlight all the life you introduce better and the maintenance will be soo much easier as well. Can't wait to see that stocked and flourishing. What brand tank is that by the way? Looks sharp.
The tank is a Innovative Marine SR-80 im not huge on rock work so this is what my buddy and i came up with. Pretty minimal i think...


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Dear All,

Here is my first try's please comment on options which is better and any suggestions to improve?

It will be sps and fish only
2 xr30 g4 pro

Option 1:

Option 2:

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