I think there is a missunderstanding how LED lamps work? They ALL need an onboard interface whether "programmaed" by PC or by ProfiLux via PC, or whether wireless or not. The PC will send the same data to the onboard memory that the ProfiLux would. There is no cost saving as the interface is still required and would be the same.
The PC OR the ProfiLux sends the settings you input to the interface, they are then stored on a non volatile RAM so the lamp keeps working even with the communication link removed.
So as you can see the lamp still needs an interface to have a communication link with the profilux OR PC whether wireless or not, furthermore most users want a wireless option to their profilux so they do not have a contol line running from lamp to controller.
If a NEW none wireless interface board had to be developed you then drive any cost saving in the opposite direction. As the market demand dictates the funcionality, wireless option is the standard with ALL LED lamps now.
If GHL then make a slave none wireless model - thats another model as there would have to be a version with wireless also, where does it end?
The the other valid point is, if for have a lamp that is master only (remember there is now master and slave units in this theory) and you want a profilux, you are then stuck with lamps you can not connect to your shiny new controller, where as with units that can be switched from master to slave this very user friendly option is available. I had this exact situation multiple times when distributing another known brand, users purchased master units then wanted later on to have a profilux, but their lamps would not interface as they could not be switched into slave mode.
The difference in cost of the slave doser to the stand alone is $50 and a large part of that cost is because GHL have to buy in a specially manufactured lid to fit the LCD panel. An Estimated $50 saving or less with a lamp by removing clients ability to upgrade or even downgrade their control suite is not really a marketable property. We do get requests now and again from users with master SA dosers wanting to connect them to their new ProfiLux, of course the answer is no, so this proves the requirment for switchable devices especially at this higher cost. This is something GHL would have put a lot of thought into, if they could produce a cheaper lamp for profilux owners, of course they would it would be in their interest to do so, but the savings simply are not there.