I have a nice green montipora carpricornis chilli pepper frag two month ago , it look bright and striking color in first month, the it turn bleached overtime but some part on the coral still has tinted green color at the edge and under the coral and small reddish orange polyp can be seen over the coral, judging by their extended polyp, i assume my monti is alive but it maybe stressed and unhappy my water parameter is good as nitrate is 0.25 and phospate is 0.01, ph is about 8.3-8.4, alk is 9 dkh, and cal is 460 ppm and i using a 20 w LED light with blue, white and yellow and my LPS and softie are happy with the light, water movement is good also because coral ls placed close to powerhead which other, i wonder my my monti lost his color and how to get his color back