Monti Und or Spong?


Premium Member
I got this as a free frag from a fellow reefer about 6 months ago and he didn't know what it was. I'm hoping someone on here can help. They don't show up well in the pic but the tips of the coral is purple/blue and the new growth polyps are a glowing green like the base.


Sorry for the large image.
Thats actually what I think it is too. Beautiful piece as far as I'm concerned and is growing fairly quickly, so I'm pleased with it. Lots of columns to it. :D
Thanks. That's actually what I meant when I posted Und.... Not sure why I was thining one but posting the other.

Does anyone know how to tell the difference? Anything specific I can look for to differentiate them?
i have an identicle piece though a bit bigger. i have always thought it was a Montipora confusa.

Coral i.d aint my strong point though.

afaik, this is a confusa:

they can be identified by the parallel ridges on new growth edges, as can be seen behind the purple new growth
I have no idea anymore. The 'Plate' part of the coral is completely smooth except where the columns come up. The columns are smooth too with no real ridges to speak of. Would a different angle, or causing the polyps to withdraw help in the identification?
Similar coral here but my polyps look alot more brown. Believe it is a spongodes but not positive. I really like the purple some of them get on the growth tips but havent seen it on mine, maybe in time. Where do you have yours with respect to lighting? I was told to keep it low and it is almost down to my sand bed.

Mine is very low and has only recently got the nice purple tips. I've had it for a year and it had encrusted about 5" and put up a plate and lots of columns.
I have it about 4 inches off the sand. It didn't seem to do much for the first 2 months, then it just started growing like crazy. :D The only thing I changed was the bulb. I went from 10k XM's to Radiums. Water Params have been pretty consistent.