More Lens Questions...

To be honest I'm not much of a DIY person on my camera. I'm Ok with using a DIY soft box or some other non invasive stuff...
Imagine this: a 1000 usd setup (if not more) with a pringles box!!!
It could be safe but I would feel embarassed to carry such setup in public.
I guess the price of the camera cover as well as the lens cover used would be around 10-15 usd which is close to the price of one of the extension tubes which you can buy separately. I guess the price of a single extension tube or the whole set, is a minor investment that provides good results.
That is not to mention the risk of the whole setup (pringles one) detaching and dropping your lens, which would cost a lot more then. or the risk of scrathing your lens or body.
Still as I said before all of these would be really limiting on depth of field and working distance and I suggest that yo utake your camera and lens with you to a camera store and try them before buying any.
Thanks for the advice. I don't think i'll be strapping junk food containers onto my camera any time soon... while my bank account recovers I think some extension tubes are in order coupled with a good 15-50mm'ish lens.

With a new camera I think the best idea is to play around with it as much as possible if you're unsure about what lens to buy (i.e. what types of shots you'll be taking).

I'm heading out to the mountains next week and want to come back with some awesome photo's.. i'll be blowing some more cash for sure this week.