Motivate, Support, and Encouragement Needed! Going IronMan

Hate to be a Debbie downer, but have you ever done a triathlon before? If not, jumping into an Ironman without first doing a half marathon or a regular triathlon first is kind of like putting together a 500 gallon reef tank with no prior experience. I say good luck but the Ironman series of triathlons are no joke.
Swim will likely be open water. I am a runner and a cyclist, currently sidelined by a meniscus surgery. Congratulations on the decision. This should be a lot of fun.

A few questions:

Do you have a road bike? If so, details please.

Have you been fitted for proper shoes? I recommend Asics and a fitting at runners high (US1 south of Dadeland) or similar store.

Do you know anything about transitions? If not, watch YouTube and start researching.

Finally, and most importantly, have you spoken to your doctor? 70.3 is no joke and your body needs to be up to the task.

How I wish I could train with you and do the tri with you. I've gained 45 pounds since surgery last March. It's been tough not being able to run or really cycle. Send me a pm if you want to discuss further. Ill help however I can.


I actually purchased a bike last week. It's a Specialized Allez. Just got it back yesterday after spending a couple days at the bike shop getting an OverHual and TuneUp. The groupset is nothing to rave about, standard Shimano 2300. There's an Olympic Triathlon in mid July, if I make it that far into the training, I'll splurge and upgrade the groupset to Shimano 105's.
I'm still in the market for cycling shoes, clips, and a good helmet thou.

No, I have yet to be fitted for proper running shoes. For the moment I'm using Nike's. To start, I'm concentrating more on the swimming/cycling aspect of the race. Proper running shoes is on the list for next month.

Transitions are pretty foreign at the moment. I'll definitely watch some youtube videos as my training progresses.

is the swim an open water swim? if so... better start practicing swimming in current because its alot different than in a pool! mental strength is key in these situations. stay positive and lots of RICE (rest, ice, compression elevate) for those sore legs

The swimming portion will definitely be open water. Starting of slow...
Elliptical -> Treadmill -> Outdoor running
Pool -> Ocean

Good luck! It's not much but will say a word of prayer for your personal goal and for inspiration.

Thanks! My biggest concern is avoiding a serious injury.

a great deal of rowing practice consists of aerobic running (sub 160 heart rate for me, staying close to 150 is a safe bet for almost anyone) With the right shoes and mentality one could easily go over two hours at this aerobic pace. If you already know this I apologize but I'm just stating what I already know. You'll obviously need a heart rate monitor. Get lots of these aerobic miles in atleast 5-6 days a weak, starting with what you're already comfortable with and slowly increasing it to what you deem manageable. I run on Miami Beach up Alton road from 41st, across 63rd st, and back home south on collins next to the Indian Creek (my coach calls this the Big Loop) This distance is just over 10k and takes me around an hour at 155 heart rate. doing a lot of aerobic work wears you out big time, so you'll need to sleep a lot and eat a lot. My training diet consists of Live grain bread sandwiches with light mayo, a TON of mixed greens, and a bunch of meat for lunch (I weigh about 190lbs and eat several of these). Avocados dont hurt and steaming brocolli carrots etc is always good. For dinner I like sweet potatoes and more meat (try to avoid red) and whatever vegetables my mom makes. (I usually end up eating like 3 large potatoes during dinner). Also Since school starts way to early for me to get enough sleep in the night I find myself regularly taking 2 hour naps before practice. Just get the sleep one way or another basically. and drink WATER ALL THE TIME!!!!! even light dehydration can destroy your workout (I speak from personal experience). You can look online for more complex stretches so be sure to do them before and after your training. Core workouts never hurt anyone as well.

Thanks for all the great info! I'm totally in the beginning stage of training. I'm sure proper breathing and heart rate is absolutely crucial. With time, those are thinks that I'll concentrate more on. For the time being, I'm just working on cardio and trying to get over the sourness stage.

Wouldn't have been easier if you would have made the purchase of the tank the reward for finishing your ironman? anyway too late for that since you already purchased, how about if I challenge you that if you don't finish the ironman I get to keep your new reefsavvy tank? :)

Nice try Roger :)
Felix has a lead time of roughly 5 months. Hopefully my plan will all come together at the end.

You should look into the training regiment that Barry bonds, mark McGwire and lance Armstrong did, trust me it works!!

LOL, I'm more of a Vitamin C, Bengay, and Neosporin type of guy.
I'm still missing a couple key components that I need to purchase: cycling shoes, clips, helmet, Speedo swimming trunks, and running shoes. Spend a good part of the day researching what brands and reading reviews of the products that I plan to buy. So far, my equipment list includes the following...

Road Bike: Specialized Allez
Sports Watch: Garmin Forerunner 610
Goggles: Aqua Sphere Kayenne


Spent a good portion of last night learning the in's and out's of my new Garmin Forerunner 610. Also spent time learning the web based user interface. Created my profile, set my heart rate zones, time/mile, etc. etc. I must say, I'm EXTREMELY impressed with this little gadget.

Training: Day 1
10 minute runs with 1 minute walking intervals (total of 3 sets).

Not sure why I thought you lived over near the Redlands. Was actually looking forward to possibly training with you.
3 days out. How's the training going?

Thanks for staying on top of me! Fighting my hardest trying to get over the sourness stage. Just finished uploading my workouts to Garmin Connect.

Quick Summary of last couple days:
Recovery Day. Extremely sour from the previous 3 mile run on Thursday.
Purchased misc equipment

45min bike ride.
Cycled from Midtown 2 all the way across the Venetian Causeway.

Swim Class (6am sharp):
First day of swim class, went to bed at 2:30am and woke up at 4:30am.
Very humbling experience, barely made it through the 200m warmup. I struggled so hard that I went out a purchased a kick-board to help practice. I definitely have some catching up to do. I'm planning to spend a minimum of 4 days a week doing pool sessions.
Running Shoe Shopping:
Spent roughly 1hr at FootWorks (US1 & 57 Ave) picking out a proper pair of running shoes. Literally, BEST customer service that I've experienced in a very very long time!!! After a long chat with the sales rep, he brought out five different pairs of shoes that he felt might be suitable. Then, came the whole process. Try on Pair #1, run on treadmill for analysis, record my running stye, play footage using slow motion camera, and finally discuss/analyze wether that shoe in particular was a good match. We then repeated the process 4 more times. Finally we both agreed that the "Neutral" Newton Issac shoe was the best match.
Work Clinic (6:30pm): How to change a flat tire.
Gym (8:30pm)
Elliptical for 25min/2.5miles. Stationary Bike for 10min, 90 RPM's. Treadmill for 10min/1mile. Focused on "Neutral" style running posture.

Here are some pics of the equipment that I purchased, along with my training stats from Garmin Connect...



Bike Ride:

Great job push trough the soreness .. I am in training also for the 1/2 iron mans . Once you get your heart rates down you will feel the differences . Just remember all you want to do is finish right now. Don't worry about how fast you can do everything.. Good luck
Check out and look into the whole30 diet. It will lean you out and give you energy through the roof. Check out CrossFit for conditioning. CrossFit will get you in shape fast. If you can find a crossfit endurance gym in your area even better for you. Also look into the pose running method. If done properly the run portion of the race will feel like a rest.

I am not a tri kind of guy but I achieved a lot using the above tools.


That's some good photoshopping! Good luck with your thingy Jovany!
Half or full, still a very tall order. GL Jo!

Thanks buddy! When you're ready, let me know if you need any help moving your tank inside your house. Do a quick juice fast, I'm sure those last 5lbs will disappear in a couple days.

Great job push trough the soreness .. I am in training also for the 1/2 iron mans . Once you get your heart rates down you will feel the differences . Just remember all you want to do is finish right now. Don't worry about how fast you can do everything.. Good luck

Thanks Jason! I officially dub you as my new cyber coach :)
Body is feeling much better after incorporating the pool sessions. It's funny, even thou I give it 100 percent at the pool, I get tired but never sore. Unlike when I run, I definitely feel it the very next day. Any tips on how to reduce HR?

Josh: Thanks for the encouragement. Haven't spoken or seen you in quite some time, hope all is well!

Quick recap:

Wednesday: Swim class canceled, crappy weather.
Visited the Podiatrist. Been having a sharp pain on the heel of my right foot. Figured I should get it checked out before my official training starts at the beginning of the month. Received a shot and some anti-inflammatory medication for the next 2 weeks.

Went out for a 45min bike ride. Still getting used to wearing clip-on cycling shoes. Fell and scraped my ankle/calf. Felt like an idiot. The bike route is becoming much easier thou. Once I setup my cadence sensor properly, I'll start to include speed/cadence as part of the training.

Thursday: 1hr pool session concentrating on techniques learned in Mondays class. Slowly trying to get comfortable in the water. Especially breathing. Maintaining proper "T" position, kick from tights and maintain loose joints (knee's/ankle's).

Friday: Brick training, 45min bike ride followed by a 1mile run. Still getting used to the cycling shoes, fell and scraped palm of hand pretty bad. The 1mile run went pretty smooth, definitely liking my new running shoes!
Keep pushing that's how you get your heart rate down
Running breathing swimming breathing, biking breathing!!!
The more oxygen you get in your body the lower your heart rate will fall
.when you ride, ride only in the small gear chain now . Build up your legs. Get your cad
Up in the high 90 low 100s . Do that for 20 min Heart rate around 145-150
The cad at 85 rate should drop 135
Keep at it remember nothing is easy and build your way up !!!
Sounds like you are doing great .....
Keep pushing that's how you get your heart rate down
Running breathing swimming breathing, biking breathing!!!
The more oxygen you get in your body the lower your heart rate will fall
.when you ride, ride only in the small gear chain now . Build up your legs. Get your cad
Up in the high 90 low 100s . Do that for 20 min Heart rate around 145-150
The cad at 85 rate should drop 135
Keep at it remember nothing is easy and build your way up !!!
Sounds like you are doing great .....

I noticed when riding in the small chain, the ride gets a little bumpy/choppy when pedaling. Either I have to slow down my speed or stay in the small chain but move up a gear or two. Recommendations?

LOL, I seriously need to improve my HR! Yesterday my average cadence was 86 and my max HR was in the mid 180's. Oh well, slowly but surely. The wind was crazy thou!


Sunday Run:

Monday: Swim Class
Tough session. Since everyone was off for Memorial Day, we were able to use the 100 meter pool. At first we were all excited, but that was short lived. The entire class would get gassed after the first 50 meter drills. It was hilarious, total eye opener. Better get used to it quick, come race day, I'll have to swim the equivalent 100m pool for a total of 25 times in the open ocean fighting the wind and current.

Tuesday: Pool Session.
Practiced the drills that we learned on Monday. Still struggling to get a good breathing rhythm down packed. Usually do fine for the first couple laps then get tired/lazy and my posture suffers.

Tuesday: Bike Ride
Wind was absolutely killer!!

Wednesday: Swim Class
Canceled due to weather :(