New member
You should look into the training regiment that Barry bonds, mark McGwire and lance Armstrong did, trust me it works!!
Swim will likely be open water. I am a runner and a cyclist, currently sidelined by a meniscus surgery. Congratulations on the decision. This should be a lot of fun.
A few questions:
Do you have a road bike? If so, details please.
Have you been fitted for proper shoes? I recommend Asics and a fitting at runners high (US1 south of Dadeland) or similar store.
Do you know anything about transitions? If not, watch YouTube and start researching.
Finally, and most importantly, have you spoken to your doctor? 70.3 is no joke and your body needs to be up to the task.
How I wish I could train with you and do the tri with you. I've gained 45 pounds since surgery last March. It's been tough not being able to run or really cycle. Send me a pm if you want to discuss further. Ill help however I can.
is the swim an open water swim? if so... better start practicing swimming in current because its alot different than in a pool! mental strength is key in these situations. stay positive and lots of RICE (rest, ice, compression elevate) for those sore legs
Good luck! It's not much but will say a word of prayer for your personal goal and for inspiration.
a great deal of rowing practice consists of aerobic running (sub 160 heart rate for me, staying close to 150 is a safe bet for almost anyone) With the right shoes and mentality one could easily go over two hours at this aerobic pace. If you already know this I apologize but I'm just stating what I already know. You'll obviously need a heart rate monitor. Get lots of these aerobic miles in atleast 5-6 days a weak, starting with what you're already comfortable with and slowly increasing it to what you deem manageable. I run on Miami Beach up Alton road from 41st, across 63rd st, and back home south on collins next to the Indian Creek (my coach calls this the Big Loop) This distance is just over 10k and takes me around an hour at 155 heart rate. doing a lot of aerobic work wears you out big time, so you'll need to sleep a lot and eat a lot. My training diet consists of Live grain bread sandwiches with light mayo, a TON of mixed greens, and a bunch of meat for lunch (I weigh about 190lbs and eat several of these). Avocados dont hurt and steaming brocolli carrots etc is always good. For dinner I like sweet potatoes and more meat (try to avoid red) and whatever vegetables my mom makes. (I usually end up eating like 3 large potatoes during dinner). Also Since school starts way to early for me to get enough sleep in the night I find myself regularly taking 2 hour naps before practice. Just get the sleep one way or another basically. and drink WATER ALL THE TIME!!!!! even light dehydration can destroy your workout (I speak from personal experience). You can look online for more complex stretches so be sure to do them before and after your training. Core workouts never hurt anyone as well.
Wouldn't have been easier if you would have made the purchase of the tank the reward for finishing your ironman? anyway too late for that since you already purchased, how about if I challenge you that if you don't finish the ironman I get to keep your new reefsavvy tank?![]()
You should look into the training regiment that Barry bonds, mark McGwire and lance Armstrong did, trust me it works!!
3 days out. How's the training going?
Check out www.whole9life.com and look into the whole30 diet. It will lean you out and give you energy through the roof. Check out CrossFit for conditioning. CrossFit will get you in shape fast. If you can find a crossfit endurance gym in your area even better for you. Also look into the pose running method. If done properly the run portion of the race will feel like a rest.
I am not a tri kind of guy but I achieved a lot using the above tools.
Half or full, still a very tall order. GL Jo!
Great job push trough the soreness .. I am in training also for the 1/2 iron mans . Once you get your heart rates down you will feel the differences . Just remember all you want to do is finish right now. Don't worry about how fast you can do everything.. Good luck
Keep pushing that's how you get your heart rate down
Running breathing swimming breathing, biking breathing!!!
The more oxygen you get in your body the lower your heart rate will fall
.when you ride, ride only in the small gear chain now . Build up your legs. Get your cad
Up in the high 90 low 100s . Do that for 20 min Heart rate around 145-150
The cad at 85 rate should drop 135
Keep at it remember nothing is easy and build your way up !!!
Sounds like you are doing great .....