Hey guys, thanks for following along! Haven't kept up with the thread but definitely still doing pretty well with the training. All in all, I've lost a total of 33 pounds and dropped 4 inches off my waist. Now for the nitty-gritty, I have some good and bad news...
All-in-all, I must admit that I'm extremely proud of myself. I cant help but to think about the days when I first started and could barely swim 2 x 25 meter laps. Now, just three days ago, I swam 25 x 100 meter laps. Thats quite an accomplishment in my book! Especially since swimming has by far been the hardest part.
Surprisingly, cycling and running has been much easier. I guess that I'm blessed with a good set of lungs. I've never smoked a day in my life and I use to play the Saxophone for roughly seven years, which come to find out has played a vital roll on how I'm able to control my breathing and endure long distance workouts. Only took several months before I was able to do 30-40 mile bike rides and 8 mile runs. Afterwards, I simply focused on ramping up and maintaining an average of 18-20mph and/or 90rpm on the bike and a cruising pace of 10 minute miles on the run.
In an effort to gauge myself, just a little over a week ago, I swam 3/4 mile, cycled 40 miles and ran 7 miles. All in all, I did pretty well. I have no doubts that on race day, the adrenaline will carry me over the hump.
Given the fact than I'm in the hospitality industry and constantly on my feet, plus the added stress of training, I've developed a somewhat serious case of Plantar-Fascitis

It has progressively gotten worse and worse. Originally I was thinking that I might be able to fight the pain until after the triathlon, but that now seems to be a losing battle. I'm due for ex-rays on Monday so we'll see what happens.
Secondly, my sleep schedule is totally out of wack! Due to the fact that I normally get off of work extremely late, and that swim class starts a 5:30am, my sleep cycle has morphed into a reverse cycle. Now I'm wide awake during midnight hours and totally tired/sleep during daytime. At first it didn't bother me much, but now I'm really starting to feel the negative impact.
And finally, due to MACNA and the acquisition of my new tank, I've been somewhat distracted with the excitement of the hobby once again. So in summary, event thou I've made good progress, I think I'm pushing myself a little to hard and starting to feel the effects. I guess it all depends on the podiatrist and the outcome of the ex-rays.
On a different note, here's a sneak peek...