mounting frags


New member
How is everyone mounting frags? I usually just glue them in the upright position, but have heard mounting them on there sides the grow better/faster. I have a bunch of LE frags coming and I am trying to decide
At IMAC, all of the fragging workshops showed mounting the frags on their sides. It will take a little longer to grow upward, but you will have multiple upward growths rather than just the one if you mounted it in the upright position. Then, best of all, you will have LE frags for me sooner than later! I think that's the best way to do it!

People keep advising me to mount this way but the whole sideways thing sort of freaks me out...wont they look so terribly unattractive glued on their sides?
I mounted this a couple of months ago!
I have been mounting everything sideways as of late. It takes awhile to encrust, but the corals seem to make a really huge base then pop out 4+ branches instead of the single one.