mounting T5's


Active member
later today ill finally be mounting my T5 actincs into my canopy.. i got a 36" 2 x 39w T5 HO Retrofit Kit from hellolights and was just wondering if i should mount them next to the metal halides 15" off the water? or should i try to get them closer? just not sure if theyll be as effective that far from the water or since theyr just actinicics r they just for looks?
I would definitely lower them a bit. For my retrofit T5s, I mounted the endcaps to pieces of wood, and hung them from the top of the canopy using chains. I can easily raise or lower them by adjusting what loop of the chain is hanging from the hook up top.
that is exactly what i had in mind! i plan to just use one long piece of wood though..about how far should i keep them from the water? and are the actinics just for looks or will anything actually benifit?
Actinics are more for looks...they tend to have lower PAR levels than the other bulbs. The lower you put them, the more PAR you'll get from the bulbs, but watch for splashing and/or salt creep, and make sure they don't shade out the light from the MHs.
well the T5's are mounted and everything looks good... ive got them hanging on chains so i can play with it if i want and raise or lower them...but man i really notice the differance everything seems a bit brighter :D