moving to florida


New member
whats up everyone. i just moved to ft myers and im looking for some good fish stores to go visit. wondering if there is any great stores in the area or where can i travel to go to some. i have a 800 gal tank that im going to be setting back up in a few months and i want to start researching where to get all of my supplies and stock? looing for any advice from plumbing, sand, rock, fish. anything helps. can you take anything from the ocean? what are the laws in florida for scuba diving and taking corals, fish or sand? thanks mark
Some stores in Fort Myers:
Ocean Environments

In Cape Coral:
Aquarium and Reef (2 locations)

I do not know of anything that is legal (or want) from the GULF
The Ocean is on the other coast:)
the 2 aquarium and reef centers in cape coral are over priced IMO, but have good stock.

Ocean enviroments in fort myers is good

there is also a new one called mikes corals and fish, it's small but really good priced and he will custom order anything.
This was a second opinion. He has many nice frogspawn and anchor corals- more than I've seen elsewhere.
yeah he does and his prices can't be beat :D I can't wait untill he upgrades, the whole back area is supost to become the store area.
He's really improved his stock, probably due to the supplier. I posted on him last Oct. My daughter works for the Newspress, and he came in to place his first ad. Well, she called while he was standing right there- she was so excited to tell me. He didn't have much then- mostly soft. That's changed now!
yeah i just bought a frogspawn, yellow candy hogfish and a sixline in the last 2 days. The frogspawn is really pretty especially since i got it under the halides, i got quite a few other things from him too, bought my new tank there a clam various fish sun coral ect :D I by all my premixed SW there too. I also like shopping there since he is just starting out and the more custumers there better. I think alot of people are starting to go there now, by having the good qulaity people are starting to notice. The only think is i wish he was a little closer to me lol I like in south cape coral, by cape coral parkway/yahat club area. It's worth it though :D
The frogspawns are really nice- what color did you get? I try to support new people too. The guy who orig. helped me with my tank, Fernando, opened a store a few months ago- he had done tank maint. for 10 years. He' an honest, very knowlegdeable ,down to earth person with a young son. His store is Salt Water Solutions in Bonita. It's like a large warehouse.(He's got a web site too). I don't know if you've been there or not.
i have been to one big store in napes, it has a huge tank by the front door probally like 250gal and the have a huge coral tank in the middle, but i'm not sure if it's the one you are talking about. The frogspawn is greenish with bright pink tips, it was the best looking one IMO and his, it was a med one and was $50, i haven't seen any good looking ones anywhere else, the other stores are all brown.
hobster, I visited a few stores (Ocean Environments, Mikes&Boardroom)but nothing that dropped my jaw. I just figured I would be able to find some great stores and get florida ricordia cheap from this area, being that it is Florida-a bad assumption on my part.I think that ocean had a good selection but the prices didnt impress me. The only place ive been able to locate rics so far is at boardroom...and unless i want green the prices are just as high as back home if not higher! I do thank you for the link to this thread because it did give me a few places to look at while I was visiting. Ill be traveling around much of the time I have left and unless I can clear some time I wont be able to make any other shops. I would have like to get to Big ALs but its quiet the drive from here. Thanks again -
I think the one i went to in naples is saltwater solutions, if thats the one i'm thinking of it's really impressive IMO anyways