Multiple tanks for sump/fuge HELP


New member
First time poster here so bear with me. I currently have a 75 AGA and am upsizing to a 240 gal. I do not currently have a sump or refugium but want to add in the new setup. My question is this, does anyone use multiple tanks for their sump and fuge. Most I have seen incorporate both (sump/fuge) in one tank. I have a spare 30 gal (fuge) 75 gal (sump) but have not seen any good designs for using two different tanks. My main concerns are for plumbing the tanks together and any ideas for setting this up. Thanks
I currently have a 45g sump and I'm getting ready to add a fuge (separate tank as well) and haven't decided on a setup yet. I'm going to tag along with this thread. I've come across a few setups like we are looking for. I'll see if I can track them down and post the links
I just bought a 70 gallon rubbermaid tub for fuge and a 50 gallon tub for sump/coral prop. Look at the thread sump designs and you will see.
You can connect the tanks with a couple of bulkheads. Have a drain from the tank or T a line off of your return pump to the fuge. It will gravity flow into the sump for return to the tank.
thanks bassman I was thinking of elevating the smaller tank (fuge) also and letting gravity return to the sump. Question number 2 is should I have one of my overflows empty into the fuge or am I asking for a flood. The tee from the return pump with ball valves is probably the smarter choice.
You can drain multiple tanks into a single sump. Each tank should have it's own return pump, this will faciliate getting the flow where you want it without fiddling with valves. Size the return pumps accordingly.

You can have one or more of the tanks drain into the fuge, however you must ensure that the fuge drains can handle the entire flow that could ever possibly be sent to them. Don't rely on a single standpipe going to the fuge and draining from the fuge to the sump, with other standpipes going right to the sump from the display!

Your best bet is to run the fuge from a seperate return pump. This way it gets a fixed volume of water from the sump, and will operate even if the displays are down for cleaning etc. You will also minimize the amount of detritus that gets deposited in the fuge.
