I have now been running this tank for 5 weeks, and using the zeovit method for the past 4 weeks, this is my water params as of today:
Temp - 26°C - 78.8°F
SG - 1.026
PH - 8
KH 7
Ca â€"œ 420 mg
Mg â€"œ 1380 mg
K+ - 400 mg
No3 - 0 (undetectable)
Po4 - 0.01 mg
Very happy with these and about as close to NSW levels as I could hope to get, the frags that I added have already started to show growth tips and the colours are becoming more intense even after just 1 week of being in the system.
Overall very impressed by the zeo products so far, I am also skimming wet with an oversized skimmer and doing 15% weekly water changes so this helps keep my levels in check aswell.
My new camera should be arriving anyday now so I will get some better pics up once that arrives.
Thanks, Paul.