My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

Cool Rik - Thanks for the compliment, Good luck on yours and if ya need help just let me know and ill do my best to help ya!!!!:D
Here are a couple of pics of the fox face I got yesterday, hes still hiding but I was able to get a few shots of him, hes doing a great job at eating the algea thats in the tank....


nice aiptasia gonna nuke them with joes juice or kalk paste?i've had good luck using pepperment shrimp.i got five in my tank and i'm down to like two aiptasia.tanks looking good.are your tunze blown your sand around?:beer:
Hey there, yes I got a few aiptasia's in there!!! Im hitting them with Kalk and I have 10 pepp shrimp comming to me. I got rid of alot of them but still have many to go..Im getting rid of them slowly cause the Kalk messes with some water perameters...Na no sand blowing around at all, I mean theres alittle that was moving around when I 1st put them in there, but it stoped when everything settled, I had more of a storm in the tank from the Tunzes blowing crap off the rocks, but everything is all blown off and things have settled. Its comming along, Im still trying to take it slow for now until the aiptasia and some of the algea goes away.
aptasia's are a type of anenomie (sp) pests, they sting corals and whatever else is next to them. There NOT good in reef tanks, theres a bunch of ways to get rid of them, Joes juice, Kalk, Pepp shrimp, and also some fish eat them. Hope that help ya, theres threads in RC that explain in great detail what they are and how to get rid of em......

Heres a link to a thread on here about them....

Aiptasia Control
OK I just got some new frags from a fellow reefer!!! Thanks Ted so much for them there awsome and so far doing great!! Ill get pics of them one of these days, been working late lately and just got home now...........

This is the list of what he gave me....

Blue Millie
Acropora Tenius
Apple Greem Montipora Capricorus
Green Pocillipora
Orange Montipora Capricornus
Neon Green Acro. SP (unkown)
Acropora Turaki
Got to do it to you mike, maybe well learn from this, and post pictures ASAP... You can tell its late and the crown has got to me...


talk to you later, just joking around though mike... How's the xenia you got...? :D :D :D