My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

Yeah actually I should have done P.H.'s!!! That would have been easier to figure out what it ment!!! Sorry doooooooooood :D
Welp today was such a *****Y day, at work and get a phone call from my wife who was at the docs office with my son, 1st the state cancled his health care insurance for some stupid reason, THAN we come to find out he possibly has mono!! So I had to stop what I was doing and pick her up and bring her to the lab so he can get blood work, and do you think our doc who we have been going to for 6 years wanted to see him after finding out he has no insurance??? NOPE they were just trying to through my wife out the door and told her if it gets worse to bring him to the ER, MAN I was ****ED. THAN they gave him a note saying that he cant do P.E. for 3 weeks cause they THINK he might have MONO, and told us he can go back to school!!!*^^$%$%^%^ Can you believe this, everyone that I speak to about this says the same things I do, that its VERY messed up that they treat us this way because his insurance ran out, so a GOOD friend of mine told me some good info, call the Dept of Desease and Infections as well as the Dept of health about them shoving us out their office and telling us he can go back to school with possible Mono, man if anyone has no clue what that is, it can hospitalize people for months and/or kill them, its a very searious illeness that has no treatment really. My sister had it when she was younger and 2 of my cousing were hospitalized one for over a month and the other for just about a month, one of em had a hard time swolling and breathing cause his neck swelled up so bad...

Two words from me today....IM ****ED
What really ****es me off is that for 6 years these docts know us and our son VERY well, and this is the FIRST time ever that we didnt have any insurance and what do they do , through him and my wife out the door, and the wife even said that Jess showed the nurse his throat which has white crap all over it, they did a throat culcher and hes was moving and said they dont think they got an accurate reading, do you think they were going to do another one??? NOPE ready once again to through him and my wife out the door, than the wife called me to tell me and she was right next to the recepionist and I asume she heard me yelling on the phone and the responses the wife was giving me and bam back to do another one!!! THats soooo FU**ED up, I swear Im going after them with full avengance and if any Doc's are reading this and YOU CARE MORE ABOUT $$$$ THAN CHILDREN GO FU*K YOURSELF yeah thats right I said that, and if you want ill say it to your friggin faces you LOW life money hungry pieces of SH*T....welp I think thats enough venting for now....
I have a question......

People who run Phos reactors, what type of Phos media do you use, I have one thats for Phos and Silacate, but ive read that you dont want to get rid of the Silecate. The media I was using was the white stuff, Im looking for the black stuff.

Thanks all.

Ohh Bobby what kind were you using when ya tank was running??
Sorry to hear about your kid Mike. Man, I'm glad to live in Canada. I've got to wait forever @ the hospital, but at least I KNOW I'm going to get fixed.

I hope everything works out.
mike first it is not a good idea to put air into your mixing barell until all salt is well disolved. co2 actually helps the salt desolve faster. if you want to do it before you put it in the tank fine but only needed for 15-30 minutes I would guess. more than an hour would probably be a waste unless you turn off the mixing pump and save electricity.
2 who the heck says you don't want to remove silicates? silicates are a big part of slime algea problems. that is why they advertise removing it. I know some is good but not much.
sorry aobut jesse. I really hate what the world has become. sending a kid back to school to infect other children? they should not be practicing medicine thats for sure.
Thanks so much Waxx, Yeah Ive heard that in Canada if you live there you have insurance or something like that!!, I WISH it was like that hear, its such a struggle when you dont have health insurance, nobody wants to hear that, and they through you out the door in a way. I just couldnt believe the way they treated my wife and kid after so many years of going there, BUT they have their own problems comming now cause I called all the right people on thier as*. Even when we called the school and told them that he was going to be out till we figure out what he has I made sure the wife said that the docts think he has mono and still wanted him to go to school, they were also in shock. Actually everyone I speak to about this situation CANNOT believe that they told him its ok to go to school, so I know its not just us thats bent out of shape because of this. After we get the insurance all figured out Im pulling his records and switching docs. Were going to be getting our insurance back, see what happend in Florida was a year or so ago some new lady got into office and she was the one responsible for the insurance we have which is called Florida Kid Care and she is screwing everything up, before her it was easy and had NO problems, when she 1st got into office it was on the news than a couple of months later when almost 20,000 families fot dropped that also was on the news, so what Im trying to say is that she is royaly screwing things up for people with children.
Seems pretty messed up how a doctor can act that way. What if you took his advice and lots of kids got sick at your sons school. That would be a problem (for the doc AND the kids).

Again, Mike, I really hope everything pans out. Sick kids are a bummer.

Thanks again Wax, Welp I wouldnt dought if something happens to that Doc. I called the Dept of infectious deases and the dept of health and told them out lovely story and this one lady was shocked and told us this " Dont worry about the doc, we will take care of them, just worry about getting your son better and the doc will reanburse us once the insurance gets figured out" So they have some things comming to them. When the insurance gets figured out Im pulling his records and switching docs, I swear I only wish I can see that doc on the streets for the way they teated the wife and my kid, it extremly ******S me off when people mess with my family and I take it EXTREMLY personal and just want to elimate the person, so if I ever did see him out side of his office im sure I will need some bail cash. I was on my way to the docs office today to have some words but the wife and my parents talked much sence into me before I got thier, but when I get the records from them Im personally showing up. But unfortunatly like Rob said thats the way the world is getting, I understand that they need money to stay in buis BUT when weve been going there for YEARS it is a personal middle finger in our face when they want to shove us to the street and this was the FIRST time we ever had a problem with our insurance..Im still VERY steamed about this, And Im SORRY if anyone takes offence to my harsh words in the last few post, I take full responsibility for that..
Ohh yeah Rob the stuff Im using in that reactor is Seachem PhosGuard, what ya opinion on that!!! uhh ohh I aksed ya opinion, this could be a good or bad thing!!! :D LOL

Look I laughed...wooohooo theres hope!!
Wax - If a child has Mono and the parents tell the school, they will have all the children take home a piece of paper stating that their is a case of Mono going around the school, thats how serious it is, and they just wanted to send him back to school...doesnt make any sence, they should know thiers reprocushings comming after that.... Boy o Boy I cannot spell!!!! :)
Mike, sorry to hear about ya boy, I'm really not familiar with mono--I guess that qualifies me as a doctor. But-man, the way you describe it, thats gotta be bad. I see your mad, I hope everthing works out and the doctor was wrong about that and alot of other things. Keep calling around man someone will point you in the right direction...Also, dont be getting in trouble with the law man...the mods will close your thread:D

hope your son gets better.
I knew this girl at school who got it when I was young and she basically slept for 18 months. She only woke up for like 3 hours a day and ate. No energy for anything else. She lost like 60 lbs and had to stay behind a year.

She way totally fine after though. She's actually a hottie now. I think they have way better meds for this type of thing now though so I wouldn't be suprised if it wasn't a lot less dangerous now a days. I understand that you're worried, Mike, but I don't think it's like REALLY, SUPER bad. I don't mean do downplay it so I hope that you don't get that. I'm trying to make you feel better in my stupid way.
mike what else should we expect out of the worlds biggest trailer park?
is the seachem stuff white or rusty color? either one will work but at certain ph levels the white releases aluminum.
Yeah thats a BAD story Waxx, but unfortunatly theres no cure out there, just the usuall reast and drink lots of fluids. Im sure theres some kind of surpresant for it but no known cure. I HOPE he doesnt have it trust me, hes goes through these ups and downs like crazy, one min he will be wanting to bounce all over the place the next min hes mooping and wanting to sleep and sounds like crap. Weird sickness or whatever he has. He just got over having 2 pink eyes and a inner ear infection, no less than a week or so later he gets hit with this. Doesnt make sence. I just hope we dont get the well were not sure what he has we will need more tests kind of thing. We should be finding out the results any day now. I think it takes 2 days or so for the blood work to get back. We will see only time can tell!!

ROB- ya got a PM Dood

Joe- Thanks man for the kind words, as I wrote above we just got to wait for the results, can ya believe this poor kid.. you remember he was just sick not too long ago and now this :( poor kido
mike , jesse's immune system is just down from the pink eye and ear infection. something else is easy to catch when your body is battling. kind of how aids patients actually die. teh good thing is once he gets back to health I would expect his immune system to be stronger from the whole mess.
using the aluminum based media ( the white stuff) I would try running the water a little slower throught the reactor and make sure it doesn't tumble like you are supposed to make the ferric oxide based products (rusty colored stuff). after you run out of the white stuff I would consider the rusty stuff. I have heard good and bad about both but more good than bad from the rusty stuff. rinse it very well before using the dust can kill. I always ran carbon directly after it.