Welp today was such a *****Y day, at work and get a phone call from my wife who was at the docs office with my son, 1st the state cancled his health care insurance for some stupid reason, THAN we come to find out he possibly has mono!! So I had to stop what I was doing and pick her up and bring her to the lab so he can get blood work, and do you think our doc who we have been going to for 6 years wanted to see him after finding out he has no insurance??? NOPE they were just trying to through my wife out the door and told her if it gets worse to bring him to the ER, MAN I was ****ED. THAN they gave him a note saying that he cant do P.E. for 3 weeks cause they THINK he might have MONO, and told us he can go back to school!!!*^^$%$%^%^ Can you believe this, everyone that I speak to about this says the same things I do, that its VERY messed up that they treat us this way because his insurance ran out, so a GOOD friend of mine told me some good info, call the Dept of Desease and Infections as well as the Dept of health about them shoving us out their office and telling us he can go back to school with possible Mono, man if anyone has no clue what that is, it can hospitalize people for months and/or kill them, its a very searious illeness that has no treatment really. My sister had it when she was younger and 2 of my cousing were hospitalized one for over a month and the other for just about a month, one of em had a hard time swolling and breathing cause his neck swelled up so bad...
Two words from me today....IM ****ED