My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

Hey Paul, so far I love the Snapper, quiet and little watts to run it!!!

As far as pics go, Ill take some later when I get back from work and ill do a big update, this thread needs an update!! :)
Here are some much needed updated pics of some new coral and me moving rocks around again!!





the snapper is just fine except I have a leaking seal. they are sending me a new one. the watt usage is 114 at like 117 volts. no bad at all.
the tank is a perfecto so what ever their dimensions are. I think it's 7ft by 31 '' tall by 23 deep? sounds about right. wana buy it? ;) just kidding but I am sooooo tempted.
mike your tank is looking great and filling in nicely.
cool, thanks I figured he meant that. I should've remember when he told me it was like the 210 but a foot longer...Duh. I'll be OK.
for some reason with tanks they call front to back depth. confused me at first also but it seems to be the way people refer to it. it is 31 tall and 23 from front to back/deep.
thanks Rob, what size are you overflow holes?? The intake and outake?? Hope I said that right...dont laugh please...

Ohhh Mike, u have some beautiful zoos man...That tank is friggin awesome man!!!Cant wait to you start fraggin, I got dibbs on Mike's zoo...called it!
mine are all drains and all for 1 inch bulkheads. 2 on each side. my supplies to the tank are like mikes coming over the next to each overflow and go down about 3 inches from the bottom to create an upwelling of some sort. those are 1 1/4 inch pipes.
Ok, I think I have an idea...So Im guessing I can use same method?? And like this I can get way more flow, and filtration right?? I have I believe it is 1" for both my intake and 1 1/4" for both my out takes (drains)...

Sorry for being a little off topic here, Im still tring to get ideas... Thanks so much Rob.
your welcome don and the reason for me using all 4 as drains is noise. I don't want to hear alot of gurgling and splashing and just plain noise. my tank is louder than I want it right now since I got a little more flow I haven't made any adjustments yet. too busy and too lazy. if I were to do it again I would probably run about 1000gph through my sump and get all my flow from low wattage in tank pumps like tunze or seio's. you really don't need all that much flow through your sump as far as I think at least. if you only plan on softies or fish then fine run one pump and nothing in the tank. so don when are you going to start a thread of your own on building your new tank? have you purchased the tank yet?

oh yeah whats up mike ? :)
Nice pictures mike, everything looks awasome man... Wondering if your tank will ever be tank of the month... :D :D
Yea, the tank has been sitting empty for about five months I had it as a freshwater Tanginyka setup. I plan on starting when I move and get situated. I will probably start a thread on it, who knows..Thats what Im really looking to do is softies and fish, maybe a few caps...thats all. I was thinking of doing it as an agressive fish only tank, who knows Im full of ideas.

Hey Bobby - Na I dought my tank would be tank of the month :( I wish it could be though!!! Thanks for the compliments, its pretty filled up and things are starting to grow now, Im noticing on my acros alot of new growth :) Now im starting to get happy!!

Joey - whats up dood?? Im hear, just listening to what ya guys are talking about :D.

Rob - Thanks also!! I wanted to ask you, when you make water for water changes (with salt of course) do you airate the water prior to putting it in the tank? I have a maxi jet 900 and 1100 in the can at all times, but ive been reading where people put air bubbles in the bucket as well, do you do this to your water or is just the power heads good enough, this is what ive been doin, Ive been making my water 24hrs prior to the water change and add all the salt and put a PH in there over night, than I check the SG again to make sure its ok before adding, how does that sound, to me sounds good :)
Mike what do you mean you put a PH in there overnite??

Thats how I kinda do mine, but I make it three days before my water change and I use the 5 gallon Jugs with a hole on the top for my air lines. I use a Tetra DW-2 air pump to mix my water... No power heads, they wouldnt fit in my Jugs anyways...:(