My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

This is just showing the top, thats what I got completed last night, filling and sanding!!


OK, this is bascially what its going to look like, the doors im still figuring out how I want to lay them out, I think im going to do double doors for each opening. The only thing left is to do a final 220 grit sanding and sand the base once that dries. I might put some decoritive trim along the bottom of the base moulding. If any one has any suggestions please feel free to splur them out!! Ohh and I still need to put a floor in the cabinet, but I have to get the refugium/sump tank and skimmer to figure out exactly how much clearance I need for maintiance and whatnot, Ill probally start sealing the inside and paint it today as well. Im thinking of also running a dedicated electric line to the tank and build a electric panel (sockets) inside the cabinet so the electric wires look clean and neat :D Anything else????





beautiful. but after looking at it more i was wondering why you flip floped the mouldings on the corners from the rest of the stand? for example you have the rope moulding on the bottom part of the top half on the corners but on the main part of the stand it is on the top. just curious
Because if you look at the pillers towards the top theres already moulding there, when I put the rope moulding all the way around wifey and I thought it was alittle too much moulding by the pillers, took away from them, so I put it where it is now!!! Thats my method of madness for that I guess!!! OUCH my fingers are KILLING me from tooooooooooooooooo much sanding!!!But the wood is smooth as a baby's behind!!!! Still havent done the 220 grit yet, Im thinking of getting a glove or sanding block 1st!!!
LOL very TRUE man.. indeed!!!! Although I am heading towards a redish color!!!! LOL J/K that would be horrible!!!!! :D
OK, its Friday and I have done alittle more to the stand, Ive painted it a nice aqua bluish backround, the pics really mess up the true color of it. I have started to build my flow points for the top rim of the tank, to make sure this tank has NO dead spots. I also picked up some Pre Stain and some Stain for it, The wife and I are now thinking if we should just do one color or if we should do the body in one color and than the trim in another. Not sure yet on that one. But heres some pics I took today to show what has been done so far. Im waiting for a guy to buy my 150 and get me his 75 for my sump/refugium, than the floor will start getting built and the plumbing can start. Sorry 56K users these pics are probally killing you.



Unless you use a large pump, or valves on the first few outlets otf the manifold, you won't get much flow at the final exits. Trust me. And a pump that will do that to two sides will pull too much through the megaflows to be quiet. Also the carrier pipe should be larger than its outlets. It would be now that I would make the decision on how to get the flow right. Use a closed loop with a dedicated pump, I reccomend the Dart by Sequence. Or use two wide dispersal powerheads. Obviously you get what you pay for between tunze/seio systems, and the EcoTech Vortech is too new to know yet. If I could do it again, I would not do a CL and would have gone with a two Tunze set up with controller. I still may cut out the Dart and put in the Tunzes. Or gone with a 125 and the Dart. Wanna buy a Dart?:) P.S. come check out my skimmer thread
the stand is looking great.
I am planning on using a big pump for that as well as valves.... I just PM's you for further details!!!
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tank is looking great! Love the stand as well. I too would like to start up a tank that size...
where did you pick that tank up? Did you special order it with the overflows? (I'm just trying to figure out what tank I should get...) how about the price?
I got it from a LFS and the price was really good 5 beans out the door!! ( can I say that??LOL) Not sure if your allowed to post prices!!! Wasent a special order. I just got lucky on this tank so I had to scoop it up, Thanks also for the compliment
Yes sir!!! Im going to get to that once I get the 75 im using for a sump/refugium, when I get that im going to build a floor in the stand and see what kind of clearance I have left with that and the protien skimmer in place. Than where ever theres room left im going to build a power center for it. Ill be posting pics for that when I get to that point, Im going to try and keep this thread going the whole way through of me bulding this tank, and Im going to do a matching canopy once I get my lights.
Thanks there Cutiewitbooty (Amber)!! Like the name also!! LOL Yeah shes comming along, Im going to be testing the stain on a scrap piece of wood here soon to see what it really looks like.
Yup UV sold, If I need one id rather just buy a brand new one, I really want to start out everything brand new in this tank if I can!!! And so far everything is new, but now comes the expensive part IE. LR, LS, Lights!! Ouch thats gonna put a dent in the wallet!!!