My 225 Log


New member
I just aquired my first large tank and hope to chronicle its journey here. Here are the pics of all the equipment I received as well as a list of what is all here.

1. 60x36x24 Custom Acrylic tank. That is 225 gallons (New) Peninsula Style
2. 1- Ocean Motions 4 way (New)
3. 1- Ocean Motions Super Squirt (New)
4. 1- Sequence Dart external pump.
5. 2- Dolphin 1200 internal pumps. (New)
6. 8- 1" True Union Ball Valves (New)
7. 4- 1.5" True Union Ball Valves (New)
8. 1- 100 Gallon Rubbermaid Stock Tank (New)
9. 3- Aquamedic 250 watt DE Pendants. All 3 are slightly used
10. 1- MRC 3 Protien Skimmer/with Iwaki MD 70 RLT. Slightly used
11. Misc. 1.5 and 1" PVC fittings and elbows
12. 1- MRC Calcium Reactor with CO2 recir mod Slightly used
13. 1- Tunze Turbelle Stream 6080 Slightly used
14. 1- Tunze Wavebox with Controller Slightly used
15. 1- 2x4 and 2x6 Stand. Completely square and level
16. 1- Used 75 gal Oceanic Reef ready aquarium
17. About 60 lb's of live rock
18. About 400 lb's or Dry Very large Base rock. Very nice pieces
19. 2- Mated Pair of Wantanabi Angels.
20. 1- Stange little Tang
21. 2- 250 watt retrofit halide kits/ with reflectors (New)
22. 1- Lamotte Calcium Test kit Slightly used
23. 1- Lamotte Alk Test kit Slightly used
24. 1- Mag 12 Pump with new impeller Few years old
25. All Bulkhead fittings that you need for the tank
26. 1-Pinpoint Temp sensor and remote lead. Needs battery
27. 1-Milwakee PH monitor with slightly used probe.
28. 1- Tunze Osmulator.

Now some of this was just thrown in and will not used.

The pics

All the equipment





The livestock and dry rock




Thanks! I finished the closed loop and water tested the tank last night. I hope to get the saltwater in tonight. I need to get some batteries for my camera and then will post some new pics.
Well had my first semi-tragedy last night. I filled the tank half up with saltwater and transfered the liverock and fish over. Well I forgot to turn the CL off and the inlets are not covered yet. This morning my male Angel was stuck in one of them. =( I thought he was dead but when I tried to pull him out he started moving. I got him out and he was swimming around. He has a little fin damage and his sides look swollen but hopefully he can pull through. I felt like such an idiot. I will try to get some pics of him tonight. I should also have it filled tonight and the sump and other equip. hooked up by the end of the weekend.
Did you put plywood and foam under the tank before filling it? I personally would also add a few more supports around the top of the stand to support the weight of the tank a little more evenly:) I would be concerned over only two 2X4s supporting the weight with only toe nails.

Otherwise things look like they are off to a great start!
Yes I added 3/8" Plywood and 1" foam on top of that. I will check the cross supports when I get home, I didnt really questions those but will make sure they are up to par. Thanks
Alright now you have me kind of worried about the stand. I have never had an acrylic tank before. From looking at the stand is anyone else concered and if so what are your suggestions. Thanks
I was hoping someone else would chime in and give their opinion:) I would fire off a PM to James at Envision, he goes by Acrylics here in RC.

I'm not sure of the recommended requirements for your tank, but my concern is the amount of flex that is going to occur from the stand design. 3/8" ply with those few supports is going to allow bowing to occur on the bottom of the tank and over time I think it would only get worse.

When I built my stand I ran braces every six inches and used 3/4" ply with 5/8" thick foam. The legs are the same as yours, with the doubled up 2X4s and the deck is 2X6 with deckhangers. Each support is held in place with 9 screws. That may have been overkill.




But poke around the board and get others opinions. I'm just concerned and would be upset with myself if something happened down the road to your tank and I could have addressed it now;)
Yea I really appreciate the heads up. This is the time to correct issues. I could easily add 2 or more cross supports and the metal brackets. That would give me some peace of mind.
You want foam on any acrylic tank or a glass tank where the glass sits flat on the bottom. It reduces the likelihood of any highspots or imperfections to place stress on the tank. Since the acrylic lyes flat on the bottom. It's also not a bad idea on tanks with a plastic bottom in case the stand is not 100% true:)