Well the holidays have kept me busy. But, I am finally able to get around to providing an update.
I had to replace the regular bulkheads I was using for the returns through the euro-brace with shorter bulkheads. The taller ones interfered with my light rack. I got the short ones from AquaticEco and they work great. I didn't realize they were Hayward until I got them, which is always good.
Heres' the ends of the returns with Pacific Coast Flow Accelerators attached. I shortened the loc-line. I like the fact you can still angle them slightly. They're working great on the Hammerhead Gold. I used a Y just below the tank to split the returns. I also added the blue vinyl background to the return end. Miracles forgot to install it so they sent me a couple of pieces and told me how to apply it. It's very easy. Thanks again Derek.
I built my Durso standpipes. I may raise them up another inch. The water falls about 2 inches into the overflow. Which isn't bad but I want to see if I can quite them a little more.
After debating for sometime on how I wanted to run my UV. I decided to put it on the return. I know not everyone will agree with the placement. I upgraded my AquaUV 25W to a AquaUV 57W by buying a new transformer and bulb.
I got the new IceCap 250MH ballast and made an adapter to convert the IceCap plug to a Sunlight Supply plug.
I hung one of the SLS LumenMax 3's. The other two are on order. I was going to use my existing Reef Optix III's for a while but decided to just go ahead and change them now. I still have to clean up the wires for the T5's. I just got the IceCap harness extensions.
The wall is painted and ready for trim. The trim should be done in the next few weeks.
I also took the plunge and ordered two Vortech's WWD. I debated forever I whether to get Tunze's or Vortech's. I hope I made the right choice. I also got two Vortech Battery Backups so I can cut the power to them overnight to reduce the speed. Hopefully they will come up with a night option.
The only other item I would like to change is my skimmer. I am planning on running my heavily modded ASM G3 for a while. But I know it's not enough. I was originally thinking of going with the ATI Bubblemaster 250. But now I think I may go with the Reeflo ORCA 250. Thoughts?
I've also been eyeing the Geo Media Reactor 618. However I may end up making my own out of 6" PVC. We'll see. The Geo would be cooler. :smokin:
Finally - rocks are cooking and salt is in the new tank. I should be able to take down the 90G soon. I'll be selling most of the 90G off so stay tuned...