My 270 gallon tank / Reefer Lounge

tinytool, that's one of the reasons I had asked if this was batch specific as I have had mine for some time now. I also soaked mine for a few months before using them in the tank and never really had a diatom bloom. The plates currently look great, covered in coraline and such, but I've never had a problem like I currently have in keeping SPS. I only have wall plates, the rest of the tank is LR. I have never lost a fish either.

This is the first time I have read about this problem, and am just looking at the possibilities.

Julio, yes, there is a seam that you will see between wall plates, I have the same thing.
I soaked min in RO water for about 3 weeks if I recal right changing it out every 3-5 days or so. Then tore down my 125 and soaked them with the live rock for another 3 or so weeks with no light over them though. That was for the backwall/side plates

After the tank was setup for a week I recieved my pillars and cave. I noticed the diatom bloom coming on anyways even with all the pre-maintnance that I did so I decided after a day or so of soaking the pillars I put them in the tank anyways.

So with all the backwalls being treated for 6+ weeks and the pillars just getting soaked for a day they all ended up haveing the same amount diatom problems and looking the same as far as algae is concerned. I added corals the same day i added the pillars and havn't lost a piece of any corals yet. Some did brown out but I suppose that was expected but they are all starting to come back and really look nice.

Probably a risky move to add corals so quickly but I'm very impatient (which doesn't go good with this hobby :) )
It is hard to know if it is a batch issue really. I could have probably used a denitrator to manage the nitrates but because I have a lower bio demand relative to the tank size and do not over feed there was no reason for this nitrate issue. Adding another thing to tweak and play with all the time does not make sense to me. Honestly and dont anyone take this as a slam - the simpler the system usually the better the results. The more complex it is the more room for errors and disasters from forgetting this and that or over doing it.

Tinytool I do love the tank :)
Like I said, we both had one thing in common and that was nitrates but loosing corals was the difference. I know we talked back and forth PM's and you know how close I was to pull the trigger to get these out of the tank, who knows maybe 6 months down the road I will look back and wish I had. It's been about 5+ months and things seem to be working their way out for me.

Yeah, I get caught up in the equipment side of the hobby a lot and buy things that aren't necessary but I enjoy it. The reason for not going the natural route of a R. sandbed is I just don't have the room for it. The sulfur denitrator is a set and forget it piece of equipment which is nice. Even with my big skimmer I think it's almost a necessary to have on my tank with my bioload, I plan on adding 10-20 more anthias also which get fed huge portions of frozen food 3x a day along with getting flake/pellet food 2x a day via auto feeder. I will say I like the reef ceramics for how open they make the tank, It seems like I'm able to get away with a much bigger bioload for the fact they have a lot of room to swim around. I like the new look of your tank also but your running out of room for frags :)
Goodluck to you man, I followed your thread since the beginning and your the reason I went with Reef Ceramics. I know your just as obsessed as I am so it must have been crushing to watch your stuff fade away, glad to see your still in it though.
No need to justify it Tiny!! There are several ways to skin the cay man! I do love your tank and would not mind trading some frags with you later this year when my stuff grows up a bit ;)

Now the fish in the middle of the shot are anthias correct?
Yeah, little dispar crappers. If I can find a deal on Bartletts I think i'm going to get a bunch of those also.

Just made a pretty good size order with Reef ready, so hopefully those will grow out quickly and we can do some tradin
marcos rocks are nice i saw them at nerac(northeast manca) and my friend bought 2 boxes and they looked so nice and because its dry you get a true amount of weight
Hasn't happen to me, although I only found 1 of my 2 anthias that died so maybe he is back there stuck lol. If they can make it back there they can make it out lol.
Next question :)

I have never ordered frags from any online vendors but would like to get some sweet stuff without taking a bth LOL. ANy recommendations?
I have ordered frags from and was very surprised at how large they were and how healthy they looked. I've ordered an H.magnifica anemone, (still have it a year later), and a Regal Angel, (Oct 12th of last year, still have it too), from them as well. They pack their stuff hell for strong, like nothing I've ever seen. Frags came unmounted, but Serdar included a tube of superglue gel and rubble pieces for mounting.

I've ordered fish and anemone's from Live Aquaria/Diver's Den and had good experiances with them as well. I have not ordered frags from them, but Sanjay Joshi has, and he had nothing but great things to say.

my friend brought over his camera and we got some good shots I think.




