My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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here is an FTS I don't have enough lighting
My camera battery needs charging I will take some more pics.Like I said I have no lights my friend gave me some old lights of his.I am starting to get some brown algae caused by the old bulbs so I am going to run them for 7 hrs a day until I get my lights.Thanks for all the nice comments at least someone likes the tank.My wife says it nice but she doesn't give a crap about it.She thinks I am obsessed with the tank.
Haha! I sucked my other half into the hobby, so he can't say nothing!

I hope your lights arrive soon!
Well I can't get my other half into the hobby she isn't a lover of animals her concern is I spend to much time on the hobby and to much money.If I could get her into it then she may find out what I have spent then its out the door for me
Play to her interests, if she likes to design things, see if she will design some rocks or something. For me it was allowing him to get more toys, and build stuff.
well she does but I don't want her to get into the hobby that much.I don't want her to know the real cost plus she like the tank but she doesn't want to spend any time on it.She hates the basement so she rarely comes downstairs.She sat with me last night for 20 minutes and she was tired so she watched the tank because it is relaxing to watch but her first comment was "you got more fish" "how much did you spend" this is why I say things to a minimal to her the hobby doesn't interest her at all.She says its nice and the tank looks nice but thats as far as it goes.
I would have to set it up so that every time the light switch goes on the theme song plays on the stereo.How about the theme song from Hawaii 5-O thats manly!:beer: :beer: :smokin:
My wife says I am very when I am sleeping!She married me because I am funny but that only went so far.She feels she got the raw end of the deal Women! you can't live with them and you can't plant them in the ground(without the possibility of getting caught) I have raised my PH to a constant 8.2 I will try for 8.3 but so far I am not evaporating as fast as need to be to get to and 8.3 steady rate.I know if I would drip alk I could raise the level but so far with kalk my DKH is at 9.6 witch isn't bad.I will retest today(later on) to see if it has risen.My calcium is at 350 so I added some liquid calcium and my mag is at 1260 so I added some mag(liquid) I have to call my cousin to see if my lights and skimmer have arrived yet.I keep procrastinating on that..The fish are fine they all get along.I am getting some light brown algae due to the lights(old bulbs) I only have 4 turbo snails I need to get a clean up crew but I have to wait for my friend.
Don't worry so much about the pH, and if you don't have a lot of corals demanding Ca and alkalinity, that really isn't much of an issue either.
Your pH is fine, anything from 8.0-8.4 is good in a reef system.
Eventually when you want corals, you'll have to get your Ca up, but for now you don't really have to worry. As a rule of thumb your magnesium should be approximatly 3 times the level of your calcium.
I try to keep my mag at 1300-1400 my dkh at 9(a little on the low side) and my calcium at 400.The reason why I want to raise PH is corals do grow faster with a higher PH.I know I don't have any but I want to get steady levels.I also want to get into the habit of taking care of a reef tank.I have been out of the hobby for 1 year so its taken me some time to get back into it.This is a pic of what was my 150 gal sps tankIt was full of corals
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