My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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Cool. Thanks for that. I think I will get one once you have used it and reported on your experience. Seems like it would be better than the Deltec test. That stupid thing instructs you to add a level spoon of reagent, but the spoon itself has an elliptical way to get a level spoon!
This has a test packet.The meter itself doesn't come with any regent so thats an added cost 100 tests for $58 CDN(its probably cheaper in the states) so like I said not cheap but each packet is sealed and its all pre measured.
That's pretty interesting. Oviously someone building them at home, but with four rollers, I would suspect the claim of no siphon is valid. In fact, that may be an ideal doser for my frozen food.
Thanks the stand is ok I still have to put some trim around the ends.I haven't bothered to do that.The inside of the front panel needs to be cleaned.I will do that when I get my lights.I should just pass a rag to it but why bother since I don't have my lights.You can see film because that always happens when you fill up a new tank.There is always some dust that settles on the glass(acrylic in my case)
I took some pics of the fish fairy wrasse
It took me some fiddling to get it to work its not all that hard sometimes even though instructions are clear it takes more than once to set it up till you get the hang of it.
Yes the water temp sensor is installed and this thing has differant programs its pretty cool wave makers tidal effect has a program for ph you can dose at night or on a curve witch will dose (kalk) lets say on and off during the day or night you can also add a second ph probe for a calcium reactor and program that tho shut on and off when the desired level is reached.There is still a lot of stuff I need to learn but you can do a lot of neat stuff.I don't think I need all these features but I guess later if I use part of my sump for a frag tank I can use the wave maker or tidal program.You can also program devices to shut off when there is a power failure meaning when the power turns back on you can program the skimmer plug to turn on after 20 minutes.I would imagine the AC III has similar features.There is also a graph to show you stats I have to look at that.I can always scan the instructions and send them to you as a pic that way you can read and see if you like what the controller can do.Its pretty neat.I have to look into how to set the lights and how to shut them off when its to hot.There are still a lot of things I need to learn.I will ask my friend to pass by to also try and help me(2 heads are better than one)The instructions are pretty simple.I don't have the salinity probe or the ORP probe.I may want to get th salinity probe later on.You can also get a cable to hook it up to your PC.If you want maybe I can fax you the instructions so you can look at all the options this unit has.
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