My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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no I didn't but if I had ammonia wouldn't all my fish be dead or at least sick?I also waited a good month while the water in the tank cycled before I added the fish.I will test for it.I had thought to test for it but I am thinking the tank should be fine.Ammonia will cause fish to be sluggish and usually die pretty fast were as my triggers are fine the clown fish are fine and the tangs are fine.I will test for it just in case.
I did an ammonia test now its looks like its 0 or 0.2 its a bit hard to tell.My kit is also old(1999) was the date on the packet.The packets are sealed.I did see that in some areas of the tank there is old food(pellets) that the fish didn't eat.I decided to feed flakes cause at least they will float into the overflow.I will feed the pellets by hand and few at a time.I use the tunze feeder.I also feed mysis once or twice a day..I set up the tunze to feed a little bit.I don't want extra uneaten food lying around since I have no shrimps, crabs and starfish to eat it.
On another note the fish that are in the tank(new) are fine.My gobys(have 3) are eating ,my blenny is good and the anthias seem to be eating.The triggers are in my sump I will have to try and sell them or trade them.It seems that the anthias,both tangs,and the butterfly(not as much) are trying to show the blenny who is boss of the tank.Its to funny to see the other fish trying to dominate this tiny fish and the little guy doesn't give a dam he just goes on his merry way.I should have taken a pic.The blenny was in a hole and all you could see was a small portion of his head because the anthias was all over the hole trying to keep the blenny inside.It was to funny the little guy didn't mind he would try to push his way out of the hole and move around go back in to that hole then another.Very nice character on this fish.
Hi Steve,

How are things going. I spoke to you on the phone a couple weeks ago. I tried to call you last week but whoever answered the phone told me you were at your sisters.

I have had a change in my plans and have ordered a new tank instead of using the used one I purchased. It seemed like a good idea when I got the used tank but the more I think about it the amount of work needed to get the tank were I want it is going to be tough. So I basically have the same tank you have only mine is all 3/4".

I also spoke with Paul at Oceans motions and he suggested I go with 2 - 4 ways instead of an 8 way. He suggested I plumb the tank similar to yours with 4 holes and a drain on the right and 4 holes and a drain on the left. My only concern is I do not have the ability of place a sump in a different location so mine has to go under my stand. Looking at your pictures that 8 way seems to take up a great deal of space. Do you think I will have enough room under the tank for my sump 54x22x24, return pump, skimmer pump, sulfur denitrator, UV sterilizer and the 2 dart pumps with 2 - 4 ways? I think it is going to be tight. What do you think?
Man I don't think you would have the space for that.For one your stand would have to be pretty tall.I would make it out out of metal to maximize the space.If you made it out of metal and you made it tall enough and wide enough I think you could do it but it would be a tight fit.If you make a wood stand you have to make it much wider.You also want to have the room to get in there and work.I would try to keep the plumbing as close to the top (Bottom of tank) as you can.I don't know how big those 4 ways are. I would use hard pipe for the 1 1/2" drains and make them go to the sides.You would have to build the stand higher and wider than mine do do it so that you have enough room.I didn't get the message that you called sorry.My in laws are staying with me and they don't speak english.I do think it would be a very tight fit because of the plumbing and the skimmer pump.I will take some measurements and let you know.
Now some people may get mad because I got more fish.I keep saying I have no money(I don't dam plastic) I am obsessed I should stay away from the LFS I am like a drug addict.Now I have lost some fish so far 3 clowns witch one the trigger killed plus a goby that the trigger killed.My lemon peel,wrasse and now one anthias and looks like the other just stopped eating.I don't know why again they stopped eating.Consider that the butterfly is hard to keep and he is healthy.The fire fish eat. and the gobys are all alive and doing well.Here is my little blenny
I bought two more clowns but this will be the last ones I buy.If they die thats it for me.The easiest fish to keep just don't seem to want to live
How long has the tank been running with salt water and rock in it? Have you taken readings on your water?


When I first set up my 75 gallon tank in the beginning I lost fish everytime I would add one. I just waited a log while before adding any more fish then I have been fine ever since. Also with a tank the size we have using a Quarentine tank for new fish is a GREAT idea. It would be bad to have a nice stock of fish and add a sick one that wipes them all out.
The tank was running a good month before I put any fish inside.I added about 45to 65 pounds of live rock.I can already see the crappy live rock that I added has nice purple ,green and pink algae.I tested for ammonia and it seems to be 0 or 0.2 its hard to tell with my test kit its old.The thing is the fish that die just stop eating the ones that are fine eat well and are doing well.My clown tang and butterfly had just came in to the LFS when I bought them and they are doing fine.I will lay off the fish for another 2 months.I will try not to but anything.Yes I know I should get a quarantine tank.I think i should set up a 30 gal cube or something.I did buy about 20 pounds of good live rock and 30 to 40 pounds that was in a tub.My water was brown in the beginning and then cleaned up but that was before I put any fish inside.I haven't done a water change since first setting up the tank but I have changed my carbon and I change out my filter socks every so often.I should do a water change but I figured with this much water and the tank being knew I would leave it.I try not to overfeed.I lay off the pellets because not all of the fish eat them.
I had the same problem with two nasos. I have always done well with fish but both nasos I bought stopped eating and died in less than a week. Personally, I think you are adding too many fish too soon. I let my tank go with 11 chromis for months before I put any more fish in it.

I would get into a habit of doing weekly water changes. I currently do 25 gallons a week on the 180 and 7 gallons a week on the 75. I am trying a new salt so if that works out I will stick to the 25 gallon change on the 300 when I have it up and running. If this salt works like what I have been told I will let you know to try it.

For the amonnia try a cheap Aquarium Pharmacuticals test kit.
Are all your fish from the same shop?
What are you feeding for food? Do you feed a variety, or just one type?
I would definitely recommend a water change, and replacing your cabon.
The tank was running for well over a month before adding any fish I had water in there for a week or two then I added salt and then my old live rock.I still had water and my rock in a big tub I just don't know how much of my rock was alive.Then I waited a few days and added some live rock from the LFS.I then waited another week and added more live rock.When I added the fish it was a good 2 months after setting up the tank with water and rock.My old rock did have a smell to it but I used carbon and the skimmer.I do think I rushed with the fish but at the same point in time its not like I had no bacteria and just added fish.My tank was cycled.there is no reason for some fish to eat and be fine while the others eat and are fine then just go into hiding stop eating and die.The fish weren't bothered and my lemon peel was alive and eating for a week.Maybe I did rush with the fish.Wouldn't they all be dead if I didn't have enough of a biological filtration to sustain them.If anything butterfly fish are usually hard to keep and mine is eating.I would have thought he may die.My fish food was old(about a year sitting) I don't know if this was a problem but it was sealed in the container and I have flakes and pellets and frozen.I also bought new food just in case.But all the fish are eating the same food so if there was something wrong with the food they would all be dead.I did rinse off my old live rock before placing it in the tank.I also tested for po4 and its zero.I will test for trates but I don't think I have any.My skimmer is working and I am getting dirty water from it its just that I don't think this skimmer is that great.
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