My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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It looks like its just algae around the edges, but as for the yellow. I'm really not sure about it.

If it is a silicone problem, at least you've caught it now. How did you use silicone for your bulkheads? Just put a bead around them after you tightened them?
It looks like its just algae around the edges, but as for the yellow. I'm really not sure about it.

If it is a silicone problem, at least you've caught it now. How did you use silicone for your bulkheads? Just put a bead around them after you tightened them?
I put a beed around the bottom and top part of the bulkheads, mostly on the gasket. I see some other fish having problems.I think the silicone is poisoning them.I don't have another explanation.I will take it all out.I don't want to have any more problems.I would rather take it out than everything dies(witch it probably will happen anyways)At least in the future I won't have problems.I hope
If your test kits are older, you might consider having a LFS test your water, or send off a sample to, if everything is OK with the water, then it looks like the silicone would be the problem.
I think it may be the silicone. Best bet is to get them out, and into a stable environment while you get everything fixed up.
Steve before you go taking the entire thing apart. Make contact with the manufacturer of the silicone. I have a friend that used it on his tank. He has not had any ill effects yet......
I have used this brand before with no problems.I did see yellow even at the bottom I cut all the silicone out and emptied my sump.I did see yellow tint on different parts of the silicone even parts that didn't see light.I cut most of out and scraped it.There is very little left on the walls of the tank.I tried to scrape as much as I could.I got most of it out.I am filling my sump and I bought 65 pounds of live rock.I have many extra power heads so I will turn my sump into a BB and leave that live rock inside the sump.I won't be placing the sand back in since I took out the partitions.My dossimer tang looks like he will die aswell.Pretty much the only fish I have left are 2 triggers(in a bucket with a powerhead)3 gobys,1clown tang,1foxface,1clownfish,2 fire fish,1 blenny and the butterfly witch will probably die aswell.I am pretty upset with myself.Like I said I used this silicone before it could be a bad batch or maybe just my bad luck yet again.
Bill it took several weeks to have an ill effect on certain fish.It doesn't make sense that my fish are just dying.I did feed some old brine shrimp that I have for a year but its frozen and its in a bag.I don't know if the food is bad but all the fish eat it and they are not all dead.I never had the silicone turn yellow on me.Mitchika is probably right that its the silicone.I know I rushed a bit with the fish but my trigger fish are still alive and eating and so are the fire fish and the clown tang etc.Maybe they weren't as affected who knows better safe than sorry.I will also pick up another ammonia test kit.Even at 2 ppm its not dangerously high enough to kill the fish
I really think you did the right thing. Will you be picking up replacement silicone and reassembling everything tonight?
No I won't put the silicone back.I will just have one large sump with some live rock inside it.I will eventually do something with egg crate for calerpa or chetto.I am not going to put the partitions back.I did buy 65 to 70 pounds of live rock so that going in my sump.I have a lot of power heads from my old tank(at least 10) so I will have them in there the rock will be my filter now as far as a DSB I won't do one for now.I was going to get the H&S De nitrator filter so down the road I will get one instead of doing the remote DSB.I was pretty bummed about this I don't know how many of the fish will survive after this but I learn t my lesson.Never thought it was due to this silicone since I have used it before.Now the problem is, is the toxin still in the tank?I changed out the water in my sump so I will be adding 100 gals of new salt water.What a screw up this was.I fell so stupid.

I do not feel 100% confident that the silicone is/was your problem. I think you should have made contact with the manufacturer before jumping to conclusions. Like I said I also have a friend that used the stuff and has had no ill effects on fish or corals. It has been months since he used the stuff. If you feel that it was the silicone you can always run a lot of carbon. That will remove anything in the water. Just to be safe I will still make contact with the maker of the silicone. There has to be a number on the tube or website.
OK Steve.......Sorry to post this. I just did about 45 minutes researching this silicone stuff.....Here is a post I found.

Thought I'd just add my experiences with silicone.
I was VERY unluckly when buying tanks for my fish house. The first batch of tanks (20 or so) were purchased from a very respected local manufacturer, my step-father also purchased a large tank too. He was first to set up and stock his tank..... all fish died within 24 hours of putting in the tank. The usual tests/self doubt/fish and water supplier blame etc followed, I then loaned him a batch of my juv angelfish...these too were dead in 24 hrs. After eliminating all decor and usuing aged water from one of my mature tanks and finding the problem was still there it was evident the tank was the problem. We contacted the supplier (and checked my new tanks) to find that he had problems with much of his new stock. His sealent supplier had sent him a batch of sealer that had had fungicide added, it was clear and behaved like 'aquarium grade' so couldn't be detected until used. Needless to say we were compensated. 12 months after this I went to another supplier to buy the second half of my tanks only for the same thing to happen !!!! I knew the syptoms the fish showed was poisoning, I contacted the manufacturer straight away but he didn't believe me until the questions and complaints started to pour in. It almost finished him, needless to say he appologised and my tanks replaced.
This was 15 years ago, regulations may be tougher now, and chemicals handled more responsibly, but I am very cautious when using any type of sealer. White almost always contains anti mould/fungus chems which are VERY toxic. I have used a black sealer but bought it from an aquarium manufacturer (I have a bit more faith now ). I would avoid any bathroom sealer.
The symptoms fish show are:- Staying to the sided of the tank, they never venture into the middle ; heavy breathing ; 'glazed' expression ; listlessness ; death within 24/36 hours.

Looks like you may have an issue with using that silicone with the mold and mildew preventer in it. MAN DOES THAT SUCK!!!!!!!
I read a great deal about some kind of stuff you can get from Canadian Tire....I think you are in Canada so you should know what I am talking about. Good luck to you and sorry.......
Steve, don't give up, if you need to remove the silicone you can set up a cheap kids pool next to the tank for your livestock while you complete your repair and move on, no big deal
Pretty much lost most of my fish the only thing still alive is clown tang,3 gobys,1 firefish,1 clownfish,and the fox face,plus the blenny,My trigger fish are alive I had them in a bucket.I removed all the water from the sump and removed as much of the silicone as I could.There are a few spots near the silicone from the tank that I didn't get.I didn't want to cut the silicone from the tank last thing I wanted was a leaky 125 gal sump.Thanks for all the help it had to have been the silicone because I saw yellow and green that wasn't algae on it.I feel bad for the fish.Dumb moves like this aren't good for the fish trade.
Go with the kiddie pool if you need the space, like Elliott said. Run carbon, and make sure those that are eating are getting a varied and nutritious diet.
Yikes! Steve I'm so sorry... I've been in and out with a death in the family and not keeping up on threads as I should be! Wish I was closer to help out!!!
I had just put brand new carbon a few days ago but I added some more today.My dossimer tang died and so did my butterfly and one of the fire fish.The rest seem ok but who knows.Most of the silicone was removed.I didn't remove whatever was between the bulkheads(small bead) I also left very little on the walls I tried to scrape most of it off with a razor blade.
Geez that sucks about all your loses over something so simple as silicone :(

I hope that you get things all sorted and overcome this problem, considering all you have been through to get as far as you have.

Have you contacted the manufacturer, or are you writing it off as a bad batch? I certainly would not use that brand again.

Good luck with it mate


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