steve the plumb
In Memoriam
The thing is I have used this brand before.I went by my friends house yesterday and he was saying thats the same brand we used on his sump.Oh well what can you do.Right now I won't buy any fish and since I am not working I have to keep away from the LFS.I wonder how long it will take to clean out the system.I am not going to pick up my lights this weekend my cousin will be out of town so I have to wait another week(bummer) (what else is new)Seems that this tank has caused me more problems than it was worth(the wife)I no longer have the motivation like I used to when I first set up the tank(the wife again)After all the *****ing and complaining about and the constant reminders of how much money it costs and that I am not working and,and and,It become a big disappointment to the point where I regret starting up the tank.This is the one hobby that I used to enjoy doing but ever since the complaining started(when I bought the tank) its like I can't get enjoyment out of it.If I do it doesn't last long before it turns sour because I am always reminded.My wife the kill joy.Its to bad she wasn't into the hobby.She never will be she isn't an animal lover nor did she have any pets.Her parents are very strange.The only thing they do is go to church and shop for food(I am venting).My mom saw the tank for the first time and she said it looks nice.My in laws are living with me and haven't said one word about it.Then again maybe I don't need them to because if they feel the way there daughter feels it will only **** me off.
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