My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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I just found your thread and I love the setup. Nice plumbing. I really like having a sump in another room. It makes the tank so quiet.

I have a couple of questions. I honestly only skimmed the 33 pages but after I realized you were having fish problems the last few pages I went back to try to see the dates you set up the tank and when the fish went into the tank. Am I correct that you put the live rock in somewhere around Sept 20th? And started putting fish about 3 weeks later? You stated after getting the two triggers that you were tempted to get more fish but decided to wait, but then just a couple of days later you got the clown tang and wrasses. I know I have set up tanks quickly and they have been ok, but looking back on my tanks the ones I really made myself practice patience (that is hard) those tanks have always been better, even a year or two down the road.

So all that to say, is it possible that the problem wasn't the silicone as much as the tank might not have been ready for that many fish that quick?

Hopefully, you can read into my post I am not trying to throw stones or say you did anything wrong, just wanting to put another idea out there for discussion.

With everything that I read you did an awesome job building the tank and I am sure with time your tank is going to be incredible, exactly how you wanted it.

Thanks it does look like that only its not all over the fish its on part of the body.It looks like the fish scales are turning white but like the scales are damaged.I know I rushed with the stocking.There must have been something wrong with the silicone because in my old sump and my friends sump the silicone never turned yellow like that.I took so much time to set it up that I shot myself in the foot rushing to put fish in.I should have stayed with the trigger fish and let it be.lesson learned.Now if it is brooklynella how do I treat it.My other 3 fish don't have it at least not yet.
Brooklynella is treated with Formalin baths. Use the recommended dose for a dip, I think it was 1to 2 tsp per gallon. Use an airstone in the bucket because it will deplete the oxygen. Keep him in there for an hour a day. Unfortunately if it is Brooklynella, the stage when the skin sloughs off is the final stage. Not sure if you have access to a microscope but its pretty easy to see on a smear mount. The parasite is round to oblong shaped and has cilia around the entire perimeter for locomotion. You will be able to see them swimming.
I don't have an avatar I want to use this picture but I don't know how to re size it
I got my skimmer and my lights.I like both the only problem I seem the have is that the MH are hot and they seem to have already warped my tank (top) where one of the bulbs hits.I placed them on a 3" piece of pipe for now but I am thinking I will need legs maybe 5" ones I am not sure.The lights have 7 moonlights,2 actinic T5 and 2 10 k T5 plus the MH bulbs are 15k
Well the acrylic will warp with just that weight alone as it is. I would find a way to get the lights up and off the acrylic in the center all together. Whether that means suspending them or building a canopy for them to mount to.
Another way is to use shelf racking. The kind that has a bunch of slots so you can attach a shelf in different positions. Then you can fasten the arms to the lamp. Check out invincible's thread and how he dealt with his wires. That is one slick setup.
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