I know some have you might want to kill me but I bought 3 fish.My system is fine.The poison must be gone my trigger is back to normal and all my other fish are in good health.I got a good deal on some fish so I bought 3 small fish.A chocolate tang
My fox face isn't sick he got injured.He decided to get stuck in the intake of my close loop.I found him when the lights were on and shut off the pump.I then saw him get stuck in it later and got him out again.I hope the fish learned his lesson
I turned off my wet neck feed and I see more foam in the cup.It also could be that the skimmer is breaking in.I am trying to skim a little dryer.I also wanted to see the difference in color(if any) and production.So far so good I am very happy with the skimmer.The bubbles are small and very consistent.
I took some more pics of the skimmer.I find its working even better.Bubbles are small and very consistent and the skimmer is producing more skimmate than my tunze ever did plus its darker.I also turned off the wet neck.I notice a little less skimmate production but its darker skimmate.I don't know if its because the skimmer is breaking in more or the wetneck makes for a more production of a wetter skimmate.I do notice that the top part where the foam comes out isn't as clean so the wet neck does work in keeping the top cup part cleaner.
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