My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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it smells to
sweet poop...

I love the sailfin. I have had mine for about 2 years and he is a hardy fish. When I took out of the 150 and pooped him in the 300 he was loving it. Room to swim and all it makes it worth it to know the fisha re alittle happier...
The wet neck works fine I just wanted to see how much skim mate I would get without it.I find it does keep the top part of the skimmer clean.Its pretty easy to adjust and so far the skimmer has been very consistent.It hasn't gone nuts at all.
So how does everyone get their skimmer to go nuts? Mine just skims considerably less when something happens, e.g. hand in the water, etc.
My old one would stop skimming when I fed and if you shut the power off it would go nuts when the power came back on.Water changes my old skimmer would go nuts when I did a water change.Bubbles would rise and water would start to fill the bucket.I have heard this happen to many.
I am using the wet neck again and I do find the top of the skimmer cup is cleaner.Man this thing gives off a lot of skim mate.I just cleaned it this morning and I already have some good skim mate.I will take some pics.
well after seeing that all my fish are alive and the water quality is good I bought some more fish and corals over the last 2 weeks.My PH bus for my controller is defective so I am waiting for another one.My skimmer is working fine and I raised my lights to 5" off the top.I noticed the acrylic doesn't get as hot and the light spread is better.I think I need to get better quality bulbs next.Here are some pics
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