My 300 gallon acrylic tank

Its about a 1" wave.It doesn't affect my sump at all.The water goes back and forth.I would have to cut my overflow teeth to lower them so I could lower the water level and then make a stronger wave.I am happy with it.I have read that it shortens the lifespan of a glass tank but I don't know about acrylic.I can take more vids if you like.The unit does make a bit of noise but its not bad.It has a photo cell so it shuts off at night.You can also use the feed button to stop it to feed the fish.I think you can also add a tunze pump to the controller.The skimmer is performing the same.It would be nice if my overflow teeth were lower then I could make a 2" ,or even bigger wave.
I have the stockman pipes.It does make the overflow a little louder because of the water sloshing but its not that bad.The stockman pipes are pretty quiet.It does make a differance in sound but compared to not having the stockman pipes its a joke.When I didn't have the pipes it was a waterfall.Plus at night the unit shuts off so you won't hear it.Like I said its not as quiet but I wouldn't say its loud.You just hear a little bit of sloshing.My fans for the lights are louder than that.Its not annoying,trust me if it was annoying I would notice.I am very happy with the unit and I don't know if having a center overflow makes it more silent.I can't tell you its dead silent because its not.The tunze pump makes a slight humming sound but I heard it does this when the pump is new.I don't have a decibel meter to tell you exactly how loud it is.I would get yourself a unit and if you are not happy with it sell it or return it.Like I said off e bay I saved $100 compared to every where else.
no problem.I tested it last night with no fans or sound in the room.I could hear my dart pump humming in the cabinet and my overflow.The overflow itself isn't loud you do hear a little water falling and a slight hissing sound from air in the pipe(stockman has a tube).I have the water set at 1" below the teeth.I turned on the wave box and you could hear some splashing.Take into account that I have my wave hitting the top brace of the tank(left side) so this is a little louder than normal.I can tell you my fixture fans are louder and its not that bad.It would be nice to get an even higher wave going but I am not about to cut my overflow teeth.I could try and shut of my return pump and play around with the wave.I could also divert the flow from my return pump to lower the water level and then make a larger wave but I would rather have more turn over.The wave box does works as advertised.You do see particles rise up and move around.I cleaned my front panel and I saw all the algae and crap move around.Things get stirred up more with the unit on.I noticed a big difference with it on.If my cl pump ever burns out I would get a stronger pump.The random flow from the OM unit helps as well.
I was at my friends house, he has a 125.His damsel fish had babies.You can see the eggs.It was a surprise to us both.You can see the eyes of the fish.We did see a few swimming around but who knows if they will live or die.The fish laid the eggs near the overflow.His tank has been running for 3 to 4 years now.He hardly does water changes and he uses tap water.He doesn't keep SPS.Mostly LPS
I told him to place them in his sump.I would worry about trying to remove the eggs.I think trying to catch them when they hatch wouldn't be easy either.
A bloke here in Oz had the same thing happen. They ended up as food for the other fish and corals. He was going to let nature take it's course.

Personally I would catch as many as I could, and try to raise them. If you could imagine the store credit's you could get.
well, they usually are gobbled up in no time. but if you can get them into protective surroundings, you might get lucky. You have to have the right food, temp., flow, etc.
That's the way I see it too. That is an excellent snack and I think gives the fish a little slice of home. :)
Ok I got my shipment in(at least part of it) I got the T5 lights and 2 x 250 watt ebo jager heaters.I will use one in my sump and maybe the other in my salt storage container when I do my water change or I will just keep it as a spare.The online LFS had a sale.I should get my MH bulbs also later today along with 2 x #4 korilia pumps and my 2 magnets for the tunze wave box.I did buy 2 bubble tip anemones.One is purple tip and the other is regular.they have moved around out of the lights so I can't take a pic.The purple tip I may be able to get a pic of.I also bought a small brain coral.I might change out my bulbs now or I will wait until I get the legs for my light fixtures.Since the lights are on PVC pipes its a bit of a pain in butt to switch out the bulbs and then balance the fixture.
I installed the Korillia pumps and they have an annoying hum.One was much worse than the other so I took that one and placed it in the sump.I can hear it over my fans and the wave box so I know I am not crazy(well I know I am letting myself into that one)I don't know if its because they are new that they hum.Maybe this is normal but one of them was pretty annoying.I will see tonight with the fans off how loud the other one is.The wave box and lights will be shut off so I can hear if its bad or not.Maybe the one pump is loud.Well in my sump who cares.The only thing is I didn't need any more power heads.I have enough sitting in a bin.
well one is very annoying the other has a slight hum.I can hear the one I placed in my sump and I have 2 dart pumps in all the other stuff and I can hear it hum.Its working properly but it should be a lot quieter.