My 300 gallon Starfire In-Wall Build

Great build! Nice! At first I thought why does he have the skimmer in the middle of his living room? Oooooh, fish room!
nice set up. please pm me. i can get a fresh air duct into your enclosed room. im in central jersey and will do it for free. great post.
Just a quick update since its been about a year...Alot has changed..I dont have a very good camera so this are just some quick unedited shots...


Thanks for the compiments..Still aong way to go.. I will update some equiptment room pictures as i changed all my pumps out, the lighting etc. etc
C.B.'s gone? I tried one with a yellow tang and it harassed the cb till it died

The two copperbands were doing very well, noone bothered them at all ( they were all together for 4 years) and one day i woke up and both of them had very very red gills and were breathing heavy, i toook them both out and QTed them but they died within 6 was literally overnight. It looked like a bacteria, disease, maybe parasite attacked their gills. It was a hard one to swallow since they were fine and eating one day and the next both were dead...

Im still searching high/low for a replacement, but wont buy another one until i see it eating
Thanks everyone,

Wow i guess i havent updated this thread in ALONG time..and alot has changed.. Ill have to try and get some good shots,,,I have alot of new corals, alot of new growth and the aquascape was changed..
Looks great. What are you feeding your corals?

I feed them a frozen cube reef food , i also feed live rotifers daily..they seem to enjoy that time of the day...other than that they catch a mix of what the fish eat,, mysis,brine,rotifers,bloodworms etc..
Everything came out great! Nice job. As for the color of the walls, now of course this is only my opinion but I don't think that red looks very good with your wood work. If it was me I would go with a more neutral tone for the walls, perhaps a tan or something. I think it would contrast nicely with the darker stained woodwork. Hope this helps :)

I have to agree about the red but I just don't like red... on anything.
HAHA, ive since painted all the others walls and will be changing the red soon.. I do think it looks much better in person with the other walls painted..