The R/O question was for you and I was curious on Marc’s skimmer. Thanks for letting me hijack your thread. You sure do have a sweet r/o system. I want to get some frags soon so I can actually have a reef tank not just FWLR, but I keep spending money on equipment and stuff. hahaha
Well I was going to use my RKE feed top of from kalk if ph is good if ph is high than it will turn on another pump for just R/o water. I have an old kit from auto top off. 1 switch will turn on the booster pump and the other will turn it off. I will also have a float kit that will shut off the r/o. So I will probably have 3 floats in my 45 gallon water storage. I may also have a manual over ride so I can keep an eye when it is filling. Just in case I need to head out for a few days. I might run a pipe from the top of the can out side my garage for disaster situations if it fails. I am really getting tired of water in the floor of my garage. I am going to rip out my 150 Rubbermaid sump and do acrylic with baffles sometime a couple or few years down the road. Than I can have baffles and all the pretty stuff. I have been trying to think of a good way to put my probes in my sump, but with the water level fluctuating it brings up another issue. Any way blah blah blah. Little by little I guess..
Funny you should mention floods. Been there done that (too many times). I just ordered a Waterbug with 3 sensors. One sensor will go under the tank where I have the pond liner, the other will go in the closet where the RO/DI is and the last will go in the storage shed where the water drums are. If the bug senses water, it will set off audible alarms, email me and shut down the RO/DI, LiterMeter 3 water changer and ATO.
For float switch redundancy, I came up with a great idea. I am using the Reef Fanatic float switches. They came with micro jacks on them. The kind you find on head phones. As I posted earlier in the thread, I made my own breakout box for my Apex with female jacks on it. Tomorrow I will go to Radio Shack and pick up 2 head set splitters. The kind that you can connect 2 sets of head phones to one MP3 player. I will plug 2 float switches into each one of those splitters. One splitter with 2 floats for High Level and one splitter with 2 floats for Low Level. The splitters will be plugged into 2 seperate switch ports on my breakout box. The idea is that when the water level is in the high position, only one float out of 2 will have to be closed or registering high water to shut the ATO down. If one fails the other one acts as a back up and closes the circuit just as the 2 will be able to close the circuit. To turn the ATO on however, the two low level switches will need to be open or in the down position. They will both have to be open for the low level sensor to kick in.
I will add 2 more float switches for a total of 6. The other 2 will be a TooHigh switch and a TooLow switch. No need for redundancy there. They are failsafes that will override all other programs and will trigger alarms, emails, skimmer shutdown, ATO shutdown, RODI shut down, etc.
I have spent most of the night programming so I am ready to install and begin testing the ATO and water changer/LiterMeter tomorrow.
I also created virtual outlets for Salinity. Too High or Too low of conductivity will trigger alarms emails.. Too Low will shut down the ATO so as not to drop the salinity more. Too high will shut down the water changer/Litermeter to insure salinity isnt raised more.
This is getting pretty complex but the more I get into it, the more I really gain a deeper appreciation of the Apex. The things this thing can do with relative ease is pretty amazing. Also, I have to thank Kenargo here at RC. His website has a great page on Apex programming which has given me a great starting point for some of my more complex Apex programs as well as great ideas!
Once I have all my programming done, I will try to document them and post them here in this thread.