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Thank you very much Mark! Sadly, he did this in retaliation for me threatening to tell his principal about him leaving the school for the third time after I warned him two previous times. He called me at work and told me to check my webcam where is he was apparently standing above the tank with a bottle of bleach. I didn't even look at the time and wasn't even thinking he was talking about the tank cam. His quote was "if I'm going to go down, I'm going to go out with a bang. I rushed home and he was waiting for me above the tank. On my way home, I sent him a text to go back to school or I would be talking to his principle. Apparently he had called my mom and told her he was going to bleach the tank. While I know he is always starved for attention, he is oppositional defiant which makes is real difficult. There is also so much more to this book than reads the cover. You know the term "Straw that broke the camels back.. Well this was no straw. More like a Giant Red Wood from the Sequoia's.So sorry about the disaster, both with the tank and your son. As I visualized your son holding the beach over the tank, it screamed to me he wants your attention. (And he got it in a bad way).
What ever is going on, this tragic moment might be a blessing to save your son from a terrible future. Hope you guys can get some help and get back to a normal life.
Best of luck to you and your family...
Things will work out one way or the other. I just don't trust him at all. He's the kind of kid that you would never want your kid hanging out with if you knew him beyond his charming persona. Snake in the grass comes to mind. He's the smartest stupid person I know. A 5 average kid who is failing in the better judgement department in a big way. He will outgrow it eventually but his been going down this path since he was 12 and he blames everybody else and like I said, there is so much more to it between drugs, shoplifting etc.
As for the tank, I decided to start dosing MicroBacter for the short term in an effort to bolster the biological bed. I have a pretty good supply and figured it couldn't hurt. I'm also doing a 40 gallon water change right now. Thank god for the Genesis as it makes the water changes simple and spot on with zero effort. I figure it too couldn't hurt but at the same time, I was kind of reluctant to do another water change as I've already changed out nearly 200 gallons in the last 24 hours. I really never liked doing major water changes on any of my tanks as I've always felt they can screw with your chemistry. Also given the age of my tank, volume, maintenance etc, I have never ever had a nitrate, nitrite or ammonia issue and I do mean never.
As an aside note, my sole survivor, the Engineer Goby ate the pellets I fed him tonight. That kind of surprised me as I figured he might have been too traumatized to want to eat. I take that as a good sign.
If all goes well over the next week, I will start adding fish again beginning next Thursday starting with a few tank raised oscillarus clowns and a couple yellow tail damsels. The next addition if those do well, will be a Fox Face and then a Naso will follow a week later. At the same time, I will be taking a trip to the wholesaler with my friend with the plan of getting a few flame angles, several cardinals, unicorn or vlamingi tang etc. Those will be QT'd for a couple weeks then introduced. Hopefully if all goes well, in 30 days the tank will start to look normal again with many of it's previous inhabitants replaced. This of course assuming that my tank remains stable and continues to improve without any major cycles.
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