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Just a thought on your calcium reactor (meaning you can totally disregard this if you like), for safety's sake I prefer the twin-reactor type so that there is so much less chance of too low pH water going back into the system. You might consider adding a second reactor of calcium media for the effluent to flow through before going back to the sump - just in case. Like chicken soup, "it can't hoit."
It's funny you mention that. I was thinking about doing just that. Most including Geo say it's not needed with this reactor because of it's efficiency but I can't see how that would be different with this reactor vs the others unless it just uses less Co2. I have a couple smaller reactors in my shed and was thinking about using one of those. Will the size of the second reactor make much if any difference? Does it matter what media I use in the second reactor be it crushed coral, aragonite etc? I am planning on using the Two Little Fishes ReBorn media in the reactor. Also, if I use a second reactor, would I want to feed from the top or the bottom of the reactor?