My 540G Inwall Display Build Thread

How much water did they bring you? I hate to ask, but what does something like cost? Where did they bring the water from?
It comes from Southern California. Approx 1200G and it was $550. After figuring out the costs of salt and RO filters it was close to the same price. Not to mention it would take my RODI unit about 2 weeks to get this filled.

ive been watching this thread since the beginning...... LONG TIME AGO...
and im proud for you to be wet yet again! (but without the scuba equipment. lol)

cant wait to see more.
It comes from Southern California. Approx 1200G and it was $550. After figuring out the costs of salt and RO filters it was close to the same price. Not to mention it would take my RODI unit about 2 weeks to get this filled.

So, did they deliver "Salt" water or fresh water (because you mention the cost of "salt") What kind of water parameters did you measure?

Fire up - Nice Job!
Incredible build! I really like the way you finished the project. Well executed!

I enjoyed reading this thread bout' as much as a topdog at 2:00AM. Beat Stanfurd!:thumbsup:
Do you think the NO4 is from the rock in your tank, maybe a little sedimate left in it, or was the water test from a separate water storage container?
just curious.
The water was from the sump connected to the tank. I could test the water storage tank to see what it says, it has not been in contact with anything. The rock and sand were both dry and "new" so I would doubt they are the cause. I assume its my cheap Red Sea test kit. All other tests were done with Salifert.
Great thread. I have been reading it for the last 2 days. Wow. I do have one question if you dont mind. How did you get your pop off doors to stay in? I made mine the same but used magnets. Came out good but doesnt look like it will last forever as they are glued on.
Any updates on this build?

My update from a few days ago was not enough? :) OK Here are a few other things I have not showed yet.
Boring water connection off my house going to the shed for the RO unit and sink. ($100)
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
New Spectrapure UHE100 1 to 1 unit. ($900) No more wasting water for me. I also plan to water the yard with the small amount of waste water I do produce
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I decided I wated more RO water on hand so I got rid of the 55G container and went to a 105G container(small one in front) ($150).
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
After digging 3 holes to a depth of 5 feet and findiing nothing I called a plumber to locate my clean out so I can connect the skimmer and sink to my sewer ($400). Still need to run the pipe about 150ft from the shed to the clean out.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I have been bad about listing prices so I will try to catch up on that.
Woodwork and bar $4000
Electrical subpanel $700
Water $550
Reeflo Orca for skimmer $300
Panworld pump for SW top off $100
Please remind me if I'm missing something