My 540G Inwall Display Build Thread

To be honest I'm more of a fish guy than a coral guy so its a big list.

Naso Tang
Powder Blue
Orange Shoulder

Square Spot Anthias X10
Another Anthias TBD X10
Raident Wrasse
Melenrus Wrasse
Magnificent Foxface
Moorish Idol X2
Copperband BF
Pearly Jawfish
Neon Dottyback
Orchid dottyback
Mystery Wrasse
Regal Angel
Long Nose Hawk
Tamarin Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Midas Blenny
Royal Gramma X5
Bangai Cardnial X3
Anampses Feminus Wrasse
Richmondi Wrasse
Yellow assessor
Perc's X2
Orange Lined cardinal X6

This is my list after I have removed about 15 fish. I have the feeling I may need to remove more.
Great assortment of Tangs and fish overall, can't wait to see them all in there! Did you buy the Orange Shoulder they had at RC it was a very nice specimen?
This sub forum is amazing. I grew up with ten and twenty gallon tanks. The 75 that I have now seems like a "large" reef tank. You guys that build these monsters my hat is off to you and my head is bowed in reverence :twitch:
Those are nice anthias! I will consider those for sure. Less than a week from water :bounce2: I'm running around like a mad man trying to finish up a ton of items that I feel need to be done before water.
I'm hooked. What a meticulous job you've been doing on this aquarium. So what's the tally so far? I can use that figure to justify to my wife that my fish fund is really just chump change.
I'm looking forward to seeing the skimmer in action...I'll have a similar one going at some point myself.
I'm hooked. What a meticulous job you've been doing on this aquarium. So what's the tally so far? I can use that figure to justify to my wife that my fish fund is really just chump change.

Not sure of the total so far, and I'm kind of glad I cant remember.
Those are some very impressive skills you have!!! Everything turned out nicer than I had pictured. Keep the update coming, im tagging along.
Catalina Water brought me a present today.

One final picture dry.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I will get some better pictures tomorrow. Still running around checking/dealing with minor leaks.
Ahh another tank comes to life...Congrats on only having minor leaks with the miles of plumbing you have!:bounce3::dance:
Post those pics when you have a moment we definitely want to see more!!
Ya, I guess I will call it a victory. It’s still a long road to completion though. Lots of big steps (and small ones) along the way. This one is just more fun then most.