My 54G Mixed Reef (pic intense)

Awesome planning! I live just a bit north of you.. are you a part of WAMAS? Ill try to get a couple pics of my tank up soon.. im trying to figure out what to do for my sump, i have a 92.. a 20 gallon will fit in there-im gonna try to see if a 5 gallon will work with it so i can set it up with a 5 gallon fuge and then the 20 gallon sump... im also getting a octopus 150NW in a couple days.
Hi akbar, I am indeed a member of WAMAS :). Are you coming to the winter meeting? Thanks for the nice words. As far as sump for a 92 I think a 54 would fit nice :). Another option is to see if you can get Jeff (NAGA) to build you something. If you decide to go with a small sump I might suggest a external skimmer so you have as much room for water evap in the sump as possible.
KICK ***!! Took a look at this thread for the first time tonight and I'm very impressed!! Keep up the good work and keep us updated.
No problem. I'm actually from CMAS but i was thinking about getting a custom built one but i figure that would be a good bit pricey-im still in college. I dont think a 54 will fit in there... and thats def gonna be pricey... How long have you been planning this set up? haha!
I gave it about 2 months of planning before starting. It is still a work in progress so the planning never ends :) I think Perfecto makes a 36ish corner that might fit, althou I know for a fact the 54 fits as a 92's sump....I've seen it :) It is a pricey sump There are for sure some challenges with corner tanks, that's why I try and share ideas with as many corner folk as I can....
Either way its going to be a pain... if i end up going with a 36 id still have to take the 92 off the stand... thats a killer! Do you live by Manassas? My cousin lives there and me and him go to this place called the cozy clown fish- very good(but limited) live stock.. with 1 week guarantee. You should check it out.
Finally got a good picture of this guy:

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="DSCN2338" /></a>

I have also started to build my new kalk stirrer.
Yep, good ID. I got him from reelingreefer when he broke down his 180 last month. I also got his CB butterfly that went to town on the aptasia in my 75, he also eats any and all frozen food, yeah! The wrasse does fine with the other tank members. I am trying to decide on the last couple fish I want to put in this tank, I am thinking a lawnmower blenny, a pair of tilefish and a pair of jawfish.....thoughts?
I really really really loved my royal flasher... until he disappeared. do you have any diamond gobies or anything of the like? and maybe a dwarf angel?... whats the fish list u have so far?
Kalk stirrer is coming along:

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="DSCN2477" /></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="DSCN2473" /></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="DSCN2482" /></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="DSCN2484" /></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="DSCN2485" /></a>

I counted exactly 50 corals of different types in the tank so I figure it is time for picture update.





