I like that tank
And now we wait for the grow out :thumbsup:
Biggles, just tested my NO3, its at 4ppm, yikes!!! How do you typically reduce your NO3 (like that ever happens to you :lol?
I always have a lot of LR in the sump mate and always use fresh good quality LR throughout the system and i don't have nitrates. Don't forget i have that red macro algae growing in my sump as well now. I probably have 1/4 of my total live rock volume in the sump receiving little light, it's purely for bacteria to live in and on.
If your bio filtration is working well i'd just monitor it and it should drop within the week. 4-5 won't cause any issues over a week or two i don't think, some of the guys keep it there all the time so it's just a glitch in your nutrient balance and should go away without the need for magic potions or rocket ship reactors.
This is obviously not my tank wiring and i did not put the 400w ballast on top of the defunct 250W ballast instead of putting the 250W one away. You all know how anal i am about stuff.......... this is obviously Bello's wiring :reading:
Hahaha that's priceless, catching small fury animals :lol:
Thanks for not even noticing the work i put into the assembly of the new scraper thingy.It was in three bloody pieces and came with absolutely no instructions - what a bloody joke ! I spent the couple of weeks since it arrived going over possible construction disasters and fall back options until today when i took a big breath and just went for it !
This is a guide to save the rest of you the stress i had to go through :beer:
The middle bit was tapered so one threaded end was smaller in diameter than the other - uh oh i thought......... if the stupid designer had made it the same both ends i'd have only had about 5 possible ways to attach the handle bit and the scrapy bit and would have nutted it out much sooner. :headwally: Beats me how these guys call themselves bloody engineers.......
Anyway as i'd already gone beyond the point of no return i was left with a myriad of choices now and as i examined the two end bit threads my heart sank - they had different size threads as well ! #^*$%# engineers !
Put yourself in my situation, 3 different bits X 2 different threads X 4 different thread ends ! 3x2x4 - that's 24 different ways this thing can go and only one of them is right but hey, why include instructions, let us reefers spend all day trying out different combinations until we luck on the right one - i did get lucky and had it together in about 45 mins so i'm not a complete idiot i guess. :reading:
Nice scraper story :lol:
Here's a pic of mine, chinese, cost me $4, and its waaayyyy better than the $40 crap I've purchased before. Same sized rods, so theoretically extendable upto bloody 10 feet, and rather sturdy as well :blown:...only downside is the blades are not replaceable, but who cares :lol:
I will test my PO4 and NO3 tomorrow and let you guys know what its currently at. My massive feedings should have bumped up the NO3 a bit at least.
Other than when a tank is new and dealing with high nitrates, I've never had to dose anything to reduce nitrates. The rocks usually take care of it (and a DSB too if you have one).
You can carry out 25% water changes if its economical/easy enough for you. Else if you really must dose something then vinegar would take care of it.
But to be honest, I wouldnt be too concerned at that level. Maybe if it started to rise beyond 5ppm.
Bello - yours looks like bloody face shaver stuck on some Lego handle thing and Sahin yours has a green bit in the middle and white nobby things on the end - i don't want to sound harsh but no way would that get into space, the bloody handle on yours has a hole in it already mate. :deadhorse1:
I will however source more scrapers as i've decided this one is too cool looking to use. I'll try to find some crappy useless looking ones like you guys have so thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup:
It's great to be able to share opinions of each others reef equipment in a friendly and polite manner don't you think. I won't let anyone insult either of you guys on my journal just because you both have dud cleaning gear - that's how i roll :beer:
I've seen all my skimmers including this one overun the cup contents into the sump many times and if anything i see the corals reaction to be positive rather than negative, the excess is soon ripped out by the skimmer once you clear the venturi intake - that's the cause 9/10 in my experience.
Thanks Sahin, I'm awaiting your test results, since I believe we share a few similar turds (that sounds soooo wrong :lol. BTW, my NO3 test is with the new Red Sea High Res kits, that test from 0-4ppm only.