My 65 Gallon Mixed Reef

Hmmm... I'm starting to feel left out here. I may have to go buy a scraper (I don't even have one yet). Although, if it takes me longer to put together a scraper with "x" combinations of designs then my lights... I'll be seeing you all with a new assembled scraper 1/1/15! LOL

I love the reef porn lighting biggles! LOL Great pictures to start out the year! :thumbsup:

I'm excited to get my LED lights up and hear your thoughts as I dive into corals. I have a feeling your experience (along with everyone else that has helped me here on RC :thumbsup:) will have some good insights on how my lights are doing once they're running. I'm completely open to supplementing my LED system if it's needed. I put a lot of time, thought, and :reading: into the spectrum layout of my set up. But if it doesn't get the results I'd like, I would consider adding some T5s. I'm curious if I'll need it though since I put the effort into trying to achieve a well rounded full spectrum.

Anyway, I look forward to discussing the results we see once the lights are going over some corals. :spin1:
Hey Sahin.... I'm pretty sure that Biggles usually spends his weekend threatening his LFS with pyrotechnics if they don't give him some cool acros.....but wait his tank is already, where can he be? :lol:

Thanks for the test info Sahin. Here's the part that bothers me, with NO3, I use the New Red Sea kits, which are really hi-res. If I remeber correctly while I was making the switch, what was really low on salifert's showed up as 4 ppm on the Red Sea. It's a big ask, but any chance you could borrow and test with the Red Sea kit?

I have 2 theories on my tank right now, nutrients i.e. NO3 PO4 a bit high (po4 0.04 hanna) OR too much light. So my plan is to first go low with NO3, and accordingly boost filtration to get there, and then feed the corals more, as per biggles and your suggestions, while maintaining adequate filtration. I do have to be careful about the lights, because I've seen first hand when I ran full zeovit, what very little nutrients and very powerful lights do...not pretty :(.

So that's the plan...and all this while I'm fighting AEFW......Yippeee!!!! :blown:
Hey biggles, I probably missed it somewhere in your thread but what are you using for nutrient control? vodka, biopellets, refugium? or just regular water changes?
Hmmm... I'm starting to feel left out here. I may have to go buy a scraper (I don't even have one yet). Although, if it takes me longer to put together a scraper with "x" combinations of designs then my lights... I'll be seeing you all with a new assembled scraper 1/1/15! LOL

Troub: No need to feel left out mate, I present you with the SUPER DUPER DELUX Model Scraper. This model will control your aquarium, clean the tank automatically and eveb carry out water changes...much better than Biggles's Scraper:

I love the reef porn lighting biggles! LOL Great pictures to start out the year! :thumbsup:

I'm excited to get my LED lights up and hear your thoughts as I dive into corals. I have a feeling your experience (along with everyone else that has helped me here on RC :thumbsup:) will have some good insights on how my lights are doing once they're running. I'm completely open to supplementing my LED system if it's needed. I put a lot of time, thought, and :reading: into the spectrum layout of my set up. But if it doesn't get the results I'd like, I would consider adding some T5s. I'm curious if I'll need it though since I put the effort into trying to achieve a well rounded full spectrum.

Anyway, I look forward to discussing the results we see once the lights are going over some corals. :spin1:

Biggles's Aquarium Consultancy Ltd will assist with technical expertise regarding your aquarium. I'm sure it will be fine.

Now we just need to find out what happened to Biggles. Hope he is alright.
Troub: No need to feel left out mate, I present you with the SUPER DUPER DELUX Model Scraper. This model will control your aquarium, clean the tank automatically and eveb carry out water changes...much better than Biggles's Scraper:

Now we just need to find out what happened to Biggles. Hope he is alright.

I can't wait to get a big boy tank so I can show mine off...

Don't make fun, I'll be a man one day.


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Hey Sahin.... I'm pretty sure that Biggles usually spends his weekend threatening his LFS with pyrotechnics if they don't give him some cool acros.....but wait his tank is already, where can he be? :lol:

Thanks for the test info Sahin. Here's the part that bothers me, with NO3, I use the New Red Sea kits, which are really hi-res. If I remeber correctly while I was making the switch, what was really low on salifert's showed up as 4 ppm on the Red Sea. It's a big ask, but any chance you could borrow and test with the Red Sea kit?

I have 2 theories on my tank right now, nutrients i.e. NO3 PO4 a bit high (po4 0.04 hanna) OR too much light. So my plan is to first go low with NO3, and accordingly boost filtration to get there, and then feed the corals more, as per biggles and your suggestions, while maintaining adequate filtration. I do have to be careful about the lights, because I've seen first hand when I ran full zeovit, what very little nutrients and very powerful lights do...not pretty :(.

So that's the plan...and all this while I'm fighting AEFW......Yippeee!!!! :blown:

For nitrate I've always used the API and Salifert test kits. I dont know anyone with the RedSea Test kit mate.

I think with your tank, you need to eliminate the AEFW first. Then feed as much as possible whilst keeping PO4 low. I'll be honest, nitrates below 5ppm has never bothered me.

You should be able to deal with that by carrying out a few large water changes. seems like we have taken over Biggle's tank journal...:eek1:
For nitrate I've always used the API and Salifert test kits. I dont know anyone with the RedSea Test kit mate.

I think with your tank, you need to eliminate the AEFW first. Then feed as much as possible whilst keeping PO4 low. I'll be honest, nitrates below 5ppm has never bothered me.

You should be able to deal with that by carrying out a few large water changes. seems like we have taken over Biggle's tank journal...:eek1:

AEFW will remain a problem until I eradicate them for good, that's true.

My gut still tells me, my lights are a bit too much. 12hrs at min 180w of leds on each tank, for comparison, that's roughly a single GHL Mitras output at full blast.

Anyways, let's see how things go, at the very least I'll reduce some rubbish algae...

Biggles, you need to get back before we ruin your thread!!! :p
AEFW will remain a problem until I eradicate them for good, that's true.

My gut still tells me, my lights are a bit too much. 12hrs at min 180w of leds on each tank, for comparison, that's roughly a single GHL Mitras output at full blast.

Anyways, let's see how things go, at the very least I'll reduce some rubbish algae...

Biggles, you need to get back before we ruin your thread!!! :p

That is too much! Can you post on your own thread, your complete light setup, how many LEDs, what colours, how many amps, etc. I will take a look later and give some ideas.
Sorry for not replying sooner but i had a family drama and had to take off Friday morning and only came home Monday night. I'll answer everyone soon but i suppose i should inform you of my latest reef goof. Unfortunately i walked in to find a tank full of very grumpy acros some of which have dead tips and spots of STN developing. Went straight to the Salifert alk test and the reading was 10.5 instead of 8.0 - &@$%@# ALK!!!!!!!!! :angryfire:
It happened because i was stupid and never bothered to measure the daily ATO draw in a year of having the tank running. I added the daily 150ml of alk to the RO drum for every 6 litres - the tank evaps 8 litres a day as it turns out when you leave an aircon unit belting 20C air at it 24/7.
So the tank got 225ml a day instead of 150ml and once it rose over 9.0 things would have shut down reducing their alk draw thus exaggerating the following days overdosing of alk. Whole thing was my fault for being a dick and not bothering to monitor something i should have. I had the halide off while away for just such a goof and only the 4 x B+ T5's were on 10 hours a day so that saved me worse damage. The halide will stay off for a few days until the alk drops back under 9 and then i'll reintroduce the halide lighting slowly over a week. Nearly 24 hours after stopping all dosing the alk is now at 9.6-7 and nothing has worsened. I don't like the algae decorating acro tips now on quite a few pieces and a couple of pieces have a deathly pale look and zero PE day or night - they're the ones i'm concerned about RTN wise.
Anyway, once again i dodged the alk bullet and just received a bad flesh wound............ i'm sure everything will recover as most stuff is just looking poopy so in a few days the PE should be better - i don't freak over stuff like this because it is what it is and all you can do is rectify the issue and take the month or two of lost growth that results. Another day or two and things would have been a lot worse so i'm not too bummed all things considered. :)

Did i mention that alk gives me the sh*ts. :spin2:
Sorry for not replying sooner but i had a family drama and had to take off Friday morning and only came home Monday night. I'll answer everyone soon but i suppose i should inform you of my latest reef goof. Unfortunately i walked in to find a tank full of very grumpy acros some of which have dead tips and spots of STN developing. Went straight to the Salifert alk test and the reading was 10.5 instead of 8.0 - &@$%@# ALK!!!!!!!!! :angryfire:
It happened because i was stupid and never bothered to measure the daily ATO draw in a year of having the tank running. I added the daily 150ml of alk to the RO drum for every 6 litres - the tank evaps 8 litres a day as it turns out when you leave an aircon unit belting 20C air at it 24/7.
So the tank got 225ml a day instead of 150ml and once it rose over 9.0 things would have shut down reducing their alk draw thus exaggerating the following days overdosing of alk. Whole thing was my fault for being a dick and not bothering to monitor something i should have. I had the halide off while away for just such a goof and only the 4 x B+ T5's were on 10 hours a day so that saved me worse damage. The halide will stay off for a few days until the alk drops back under 9 and then i'll reintroduce the halide lighting slowly over a week. Nearly 24 hours after stopping all dosing the alk is now at 9.6-7 and nothing has worsened. I don't like the algae decorating acro tips now on quite a few pieces and a couple of pieces have a deathly pale look and zero PE day or night - they're the ones i'm concerned about RTN wise.
Anyway, once again i dodged the alk bullet and just received a bad flesh wound............ i'm sure everything will recover as most stuff is just looking poopy so in a few days the PE should be better - i don't freak over stuff like this because it is what it is and all you can do is rectify the issue and take the month or two of lost growth that results. Another day or two and things would have been a lot worse so i'm not too bummed all things considered. :)

Did i mention that alk gives me the sh*ts. :spin2:

Glad you dodged the bullet on that, Biggles. Hope everything works out (family drama encluded).

PS: we missed you. Ha
Onto more serious business - scrapers ! I fired an email off to NASA to find out how much they wanted for their Hubble astro scraper, i'm guessing it's going to be pricey so i won't be surprised if it tops $100- tbh......... bit surprised i haven't had a reply yet, bastards will probably chuck it on ebay now they know someone wants it :hammer:


So do you find your Deltec SC 1455 to be a good wet skimmer? When you say overrun the cup, are you getting the same thing I am getting, where every now & then the skimmer cup just overflows & dumps into the tank?

That is my only dripe with the Deltec AP600. Although a best on the electricity, do you think that the AquaC EV-180 is a better suited skimmer for wet skimming? I have contemplated trying that one out, but have also eyeballing the Deltec SC 1455 because of the reasonable price from Deltec.

The SC 1455 is a great set and forget skimmer mate. It has over run twice in a year simply because i didn't clean it and after 4-5 months the venturi gets some buildup and blocks the air intake - i now clean the whole thing every 3 months. I've had friends with the EV series skimmers years ago and they are a lot noisier and and a 180 wouldn't come close to the SC 1455. For the low profile, price and performance you wouldn't be disappointed. I clean the cup every 2-3 weeks and that's it apart from draining the cup with the supplied drain hose. You can remove the venturi easily without taking the skimmer out and just soak it in vinegar for an hour or two every few months to make sure the hole is not becoming blocked and you won't ever see an over run. My Becketts used to play up more often and were way way more noisy. Very easy to make precise adjustments due to the screw water height control and i always skim wet.

Hey biggles, I probably missed it somewhere in your thread but what are you using for nutrient control? vodka, biopellets, refugium? or just regular water changes?

Hi Ross, i don't do any of the things you listed mate. I use live rock, wet skimming, red macro algae in the sump and currently have a single bag with 4 tablespoons of Rowaphos always in my sump baffle. I stopped carbon months back and saw no ill effects but i have it in case i need it. I only have a few fish so they don't add a lot of load.

AEFW will remain a problem until I eradicate them for good, that's true.

My gut still tells me, my lights are a bit too much. 12hrs at min 180w of leds on each tank, for comparison, that's roughly a single GHL Mitras output at full blast.

Anyways, let's see how things go, at the very least I'll reduce some rubbish algae...

Biggles, you need to get back before we ruin your thread!!! :p

That is too much! Can you post on your own thread, your complete light setup, how many LEDs, what colours, how many amps, etc. I will take a look later and give some ideas.

I'm with Sahin mate, i think you're still over doing it with the LED intensity. I need to catch up with you guys on your journals. :)

I heard Biggles is consulting with NASA for more neat aquarium tools



Very colorful and beautiful tank!!

What is the name of the orange coral that is in the 6 o'clock position?

Thanks mate, that's Pavona maldivensis. If you see it in a LFS and the color is a dirty browny off orange color, really crap looking and ignored as happens here a lot then grab it because that color goes off under artificial reef lighting and is metallic orange under my Radium. It likes low to medium light, same with flow and is great stuff for adding a few bright orange splashes of color through your tank. Set and forget coral needing zero care once you stick it down.

Thnx for the phone trick. Really great posts.

Glad you got something useful from my ramblings mate :)

Glad you dodged the bullet on that, Biggles. Hope everything works out (family drama encluded).

PS: we missed you. Ha

Thanks for the kind words mate, i was getting itchy skin from not being able to waffle on about reef stuff here lol.
Glad you're back biggles, this thread was in grave danger of becoming polite :p

Sorry to hear about the family troubles, hope things get better :thumbsup:

I already know your corals will bounce back :p, and you can't buy the NASA's not black, :lol:

BTW, I've lowered my lighting by about 30% overall in terms of duration and intensity, let's see how that works.
Glad you're back biggles, this thread was in grave danger of becoming polite :p

Sorry to hear about the family troubles, hope things get better :thumbsup:

I already know your corals will bounce back :p, and you can't buy the NASA's not black, :lol:

BTW, I've lowered my lighting by about 30% overall in terms of duration and intensity, let's see how that works.

Thanks Bello :)

The NASA scraper is indeed black you bloody scraper noob Bello........ the pic is when they wrap a tissue around the end and use spray on glass cleaner to do the final Hubble reflector clean......... i really do wonder about your lack of spacey reef related knowledge sometimes Bello...... :reading:

Glad to hear you're trying the lower lighting for a while mate, it won't do any harm to see what things do over the coming weeks. You should have an idea one way or the other after a month i'd think. :thumbsup:
Hope your acros feel better as soon as possible and more importantly, your family situation gets better.

By the way mate, is there any chance you can make a top down viewer so that you can record/take photos of your acros from top down, but in the water?

I need to go out do some quick shopping, but when I get back I will post a photo of my simple DIY top down viewer.

We should see some amazing SPS with such a device. :D
Hey Biggles, welcome back! Sorry to hear of the family drama. I hope it all smooths out soon.

And you better be careful posting those NASA secrets all over. And I think you were a bit off on your price estimate. With you spilling the beans they can sell the Hubble Aquarium Scrape-o-matic ... the next thing you know our scrapers will cost 2.5 million, just like that one probably cost me in taxes to develope. LOL

I know it's the typical practice to post supreme reef porn. :thumbsup: But since you mentioned you're dealing with that Alk swing. Is it possible to see some detail shots of the pieces you say that you're most concerned about? If you have the time that is. As I will one day be guided into the SPS realm, I would be interested in seeing things you consider "tell-tale" signs for potential problems. If anything, just to give my newbie eyes some experience... :beer:

And since you happen to mention what Alk does to your body....

Please don't forget to wipe after you Alk! :lmao: