I can't wait to get my confidence back for SPS after my first big screw up. I want to wait and watch what I have and make sure it's all back on the right track. Then, if I can bring it all back without losses I'll be super excited and ready to suit up for battle :strooper: I'll be sneaking off left and right and dropping photo bombs all day long
Hey Troubster, don't go getting freaked out by a few small goofs buddy, as long as you lock these things away in your brain and what reactions you see on what corals it's a good learning experience. Are you running your skimmer wet and being frugal with the food Troub, stop roids if you're doing them and feed the fish once a day to starve the crap out of your water.
Cut the dead tips off that red planet if the GHA gets a good hold, otherwise let it encrust back over mate - up to you.
so where did you get your tank? what brand is it? i've been looking for one with similar dimensions for the past couple of weeks and really like your tank
I had it custom made at Reeflections in Melbourne along with the sump tank. The dimensions are very pleasing to the eye and if you go similar i'd have gone 40x30x18" for the extra front to back aquascaping perspective. I have 2" eurobracing on my 10mm display btw.
Boooooo All along I thought Bello was pretty sneaky, but you Sir, are the Master sneaky limited edition sneak.
Now we are hiding details of equipment?! Bello, please commence operation Acropora LE.
Hiding equipment ! It's two T5 tubes which is a lot less than an entire tank system including the display tank full of yummy colored acros......... i tried to warn both Bello and yourself that you were getting on my nerves with your dirty reef tactics but you both just had to keep pushing it didn't ya. Soon as i stop killing everything it's gonna be on Sahin. :strooper:
Hahahahahahah this is turning into a very entertaining thread IMO
So what exactly does that mean Fishy ? You thought it was crap before........... i'm watching you too Fishy.....
Biggles, do take before and after photos...before with LED's and straight away when the T5's go over the sump and then a few weeks/months later.
This will be an interesting experiment.
I killed everything in the sump and then took it offline for a few weeks so it's empty except for water now that i put it back online. The T5's are running but nothing is in there yet mate. New 'acro bombs' will recuperate from the LFS holding tanks prior to being sent the the 'front' for action.
I am guessing that the remaining two tubes will be 2X Coral + rather than LED replacement
The other two tubes can't be named but ATI didn't make them mate. I'd tell you what they are but Laurel and Hardy of the SPS world are busting to know as well.........
That would be a good guess, however, I've heard Kevin is making a proprietary mix for the remaining two tubes...he's been sneaking into ATI labs at night creating custom T5's.
Kevin has been made my official artificial salt water mixer upperer.
Biggles, I'm very upset because my spies have reported to me that you took Kevin surfing this weekend and threw him overboard to search for acros
Tank Wars Rules line 3, section 236, paragraph 3, clearly states and I quote "No using Kevin!!!"
Waiting for updates biggles, hope you get time this weekend to get things going
Kevin and i will be making many a visit to Reeflections over the coming months - Kevin wants to steal the cricket test 'Ashes' and video them being fed to the acros especially for Sahin....... told him the skimmer will go nuts but there's no stopping Kevin when he gets a set on something. :smokin:
Biggles is not abiding by the Tank Wars Rules. He is absolutely flouting rules and cheating by using poor old Kevin and SSC crazed Kangaroos.
I think we should report him to the Tank Wars Rules Committee. :reading:
You do know i created SPS tank wars Sahin so Kevin and i are the rules committee - you feel free to send on in any complaints and i'll let Kevin give them the once over........ the rules of biggles tank wars are constantly evolving depending on what Kevin and i suddenly decide is or isn't permitted.
Sahin with Biggles being an Ozzy I'm not surprising he's not following the rules, because if an Aussie is challenged to a war he will do anything to win and if that means cheating then he will do just that. He's a sneaky sneaky little person that Biggles

Unfortunately i don't think Sahin or Bello have encountered aussie 'fair play' but considering the things i did to my older brother growing up i think it's safe to assume that biggles has no real sense of right and wrong and will take things way beyond what other reefers might consider wise or reasonable........
Now check this out and tell me if the two triple tube T5 units weren't meant to go over the sump all along. I took the shelf off the four brackets and the cable hanging thingies that slide along the channel in the top of each unit were able to be simply attached with the screw on things at the end of the four hanging cables supplied once snipped off the cables. The holes in the brackets were already there - shazam ! biggles was so pleased at avoiding work to hang the lights that he did a little dance after they were turned on.