looking really good, Bulent! Some of those colonies are dense!
your setosa is also a monster.
I love those anthias.. great colour.
I'm a canon guy.. the standard 100ml macro by canon is about $600, I think, and a mid level camera body is probably pretty close to that as well..
usually they sell lens/body kits which don't include a macro, however, so it will probably be extra..
this isn't so bad since a macro lens is not ideal for general photography..
Thanks Matt, do you mind telling me which Canon model you own? Someone who takes stunning photos on a UK forum uses Nikon D750 with Tamron 90mm macro lens. I have just checked the Nikon's price, which seems to be more than what my fish tank cost me (over £1200). :eek2: However, the Tamron lens seems much more affordable (£~280). I may have to go for a second hand camera.
After I get my tank further along I want to upgrade to a Nikon 5200, since I already have a few Nikon lenses. I've also been putting off a macro lens purchase for far too long, but things keep getting in the way. Hopefully I can buy one for Christmas. I'm planning on stealing Sahin's lens, the Tamron 90mm, which you can get for around $200-250 on eBay for virtually any camera body, just be sure to buy the right one.
Nice looking FTS update by the way!! Things sure have changed since that flashback photo with the clams and checkerboard wrasse up there!
Nikon D5200 seems a lot more affordable (sigh of relief). I am not a photographer, but there must be a big difference between D750 and D5200. I will read reviews on D5200.
Josh, what do you mean by "
just be sure to buy the right one". Are camera bodies and lenses not standard?
Thanks for your compliments gentlemen about my corals.
Matt, I am letting my setosa spread to adjacent rocks. I have even attached one branch to an existing green Montipora digitata colony. I would rather look at an orange Montipora than a green one. As you say some corals are really dense. I cannot reach certain sections of glass for cleaning. Acropora gomezi is also under partial shade because of Acropora aspera on the left hand side. I was going to fragment this coral very heavily in the new year. But I had to bring this forward after receiving an email from my lfs this morning. My lfs notified me that a fish (Genicanthus semifasciatus), which I ordered just under a month ago, had arrived and had been reserved for me:
All being well, I am going to collect her in two weeks time.

It is going to be the most expensive fish in my collection. Hence, I am going to have to take some chunky frags (e.g. 5" X 4") to my lfs to offset the purchase cost, hence changing the timetable for fragging.