My 65G Shallow Reef Tank

Loved the fts:beer:
I like it when a tank has mature big colonies.
Bulent what's that sps at the back on the upper right side?

Those stags will need a bigger home soon:)
Is an upgrade in your future plans?

Thank you Mike. The coral in question is, if I am right, Acropora digitifera (the photo was taken a few days ago):


An acro crab, which is about 1 square-inch in size, has been living in this coral for over four years. You can actually see one of its claws in the photo above.

All the lower branches look quite bald as if there is STN. I think this could be due to flow that is directed towards this coral as well as absence of light due to the table formation of the upper branches.

When I bought it from a fellow reefer four years ago. It was a tiny colony at the time (the photo was taken in September, 2011):


An upgrade would be really nice, but is not the priority at the moment. I have two sons who need money constantly. One of whom is in university education and the other is starting university in two years time. What I tend to do is to frag the staghorns when they become overbearing and then either sell them to fellow reefers or take them to my lfs for store credit, which is what I am going to do in two-weeks time to purchase the Genicanthus semisfasciatus female (post #275).

Nice job....FTS looks great:thumbsup:

Thank you Ed. The colouration of my corals is not in the same league as yours :facepalm: However, I am pleased that I have managed to create stable conditions for coral growth without any RTN/STN events, which worry me all the time.

Christmas quiz:

Why did I post a picture of this box of chocolates? These chocolates are irresistible by the way.


I believe you were alluding to the fact that Sahin's SPS reef is indeed like a box of chocolates - nothing but brown far as the eye can see.................

Very cruel of you Bulent, where's your xmas bloody spirit mate. :hmm4:

Awesome colors on those acros my friend :)
Bulent, that box of chocolates is what you did NOT get for christmas..
What you did get (early, i presume) is some new camera equipment!
those shots were fantastic
me too.. i don't know.. those last shots are the best Bulent has posted in terms of picture quality... they just seem like they are from a new camera.... which Bulent has been asking questions about, lately...

call it Canadian intuition..
I believe you were alluding to the fact that Sahin's SPS reef is indeed like a box of chocolates - nothing but brown far as the eye can see.................

Very cruel of you Bulent, where's your xmas bloody spirit mate. :hmm4:

Awesome colors on those acros my friend :)

Cheers Andrew. I will send a box of chocolates like the one in the photo to Sahin if he can provide an evidence of a single brown acro in his tank.

Bulent, that box of chocolates is what you did NOT get for christmas..
What you did get (early, i presume) is some new camera equipment!
those shots were fantastic

Thank you Matt. You are getting very close to the answer. However, sadly I did not buy a new equipment, nor did I borrow any equipment from a friend. I used my existing camera to take the pictures and the ones below too. I will reveal one more clue: I bought the chocolates to facilitate the taking of these pictures :lol: By the way, I know that Andrew does not like green acros. Thus, I have included some colourful ones this time round (but no way as colourful as the ones you guys have in your tanks):





I took this photo specifically for Matt just to make the point that he is not the only one who has the bloody the Velonia w***e*rs. I tried to remove them with my index finger, but they did not budge. I will wait a little longer.

Used the lid to take the top downs - nailed it ! :twitch:

I was thinking this as well but there is that label stuck to it.. maybe a good soak in hot water would get the label off..

I took this photo specifically for Matt just to make the point that he is not the only one who has the bloody the Velonia w***e*rs. I tried to remove them with my index finger, but they did not budge. I will wait a little longer.


Thanks, Bulent, for the support.. but you have not idea the bubble algae issues i have.. crazy... and i just dosed the tank with chemi clean again for the rampant cyano.
Used the lid to take the top downs - nailed it ! :twitch:

Well done Andrew. You indeed nailed it mate. :celeb3:

I think I read the tip on a UK forum. I meant to buy this particular brand of chocolate due to the clear plastic tray used in the packaging. I made sure that I ate some of them before my son had a go.

I posed the same question on two different UK forums. I even offered a free frag to anyone who would guess there answer. Not many people took the bate. :fun2::o
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This photo is for Sahin. I believe that Sahin has the same coral in his tank. He and I bought the same coral from the same online dealer in the UK. The colour of this coral is getting very close to the photo used in the dealer's web site:


He used to market it as Acropora turaki for many years. Recently, he changed his mind after deciding that it was a different coral. He is selling it as bottlebrush Acropora :rollface:.

What do you think it is?