Acropora Gardener
Nice change after 1 month. Looks great.
Nice tank mate!
Nice change after 1 month. Looks great.
Nice tank mate!
Looking great Bulent. That desalwii looks very nice! :beer:
Looking good!
KoralColor and Brightwell products scare me but if you all can repeat the results then I guess we have a winner!
Gorgeous Bulent! Acro's are looking pretty special![]()
+1 :beer:
haha we have been exceptionally lucky of late with the quality of stock that has come in and the sorts of pieces we have access too! You guys get access to generations of tank hardened frags that are jut stunning that we could never get, like hawkins or any of the dragonsThank you Dom, but surely not as special as the ones you fortunate folks are getting over there. :hammer::sad2:
Hi Bulent, do you notice anything with koral color yet?
Love your ice fire echinata, how much Light it takes?
Unbelievable tank!!! How high is you fixture sits above the tank?
Hey Bulent, the tank is looking really good. Your desalwi has coloured up very nicely.
And the ice fire is holding its classic colors even with the strong light.
Are you using the Salifert Trace Hard as well or just Koral Color?
I'm curious to see where your nutrient go now that you have stopped using the bacto balance...
I'm actually a bit confused as to why you chose to stop this as well as to dose the Koral color..
This is two significant parameter changes at the same time..
Weren't your nutrients previously lower?
With the increased nutrients, you may have seen an intensifying of colors even without the addition of Koral color..
I'm thinking out loud a bit here..
I personally feel that in Andrew's case, it is his naturally occurring parameters - n:5 p:.03 which play an important roll in the interaction of the Koralcolor/trace hard additions, BUT NOT the fact that he uses nothing to lower nutrients..
I guess what I'm saying, or asking or looking for discussion on, is whether it is more important to stop all other nutrient maintenance while adding your Koralcolor or to keep your current (pre stoppage of bacto balance) conditions stable while adding it..
Hi Matt,
Thank you for your perceptive questions and comments.
I do not use Salifert Trace hard. I used to use Tropic Marin K+ (cationic) elements and A- (anionic) elements. I stopped using them when I started to experiment with KoralColor.
Up until I started using KoralColor, I used Tropic Marin NP bacto balance, which contains inorganic phosphates and nitrates, organic phosphates, organic carbon as well as cationic trace elements. This product served me really well in keeping nutrients at fairly manageable levels despite having 16 constantly hungry fish in a 240-litre set up. When I started KoralColor, my nutrients were as follows:
NO3: 5-10 ppm
PO4: 0.092 mg/l (or 0.03 mg/l P)
The reason why I stopped using it was that I did not want iron in the product to interfere with KoralColor. I am aware that without some sort of nutrient export strategy, using only KoralColor may not be sustainable in my set up. However, I thought that for a two-week trial, not using NP bacto balance would not rock the boat.
You may be right that perhaps KoralColor has more pronounced effect when nutrients are fairly low and that as my nutrients keep going up during my trial, I may not know whether any possible improvement on colour intensification is due to KoralColor. Having said that I can also argue that increased nutrients should increase zooxanthellae density on corals and thus some corals at least should start to exhibit brown tinge. The fact that my colours are maintained may be due to KoralColor because it manipulates zooxanthellae's chlorophyll .
Arrgh my head hurts.