Acropora Gardener
Nice shots, Bulent!
The ice fire remains amazing.
If I recall correctly, I'd say there is ever so slightly more red and less green in that Millie.
Incredible new growth on the plating coral in the last pick.
What is the smooth skin in the fifth pic down?
Thank you Matt. You are very kind.
The Milepora on 8th January 2016:
Water Parameters:
KH: ~7.45 dKH
Ca: 395 ppm
Mg: 1405 ppm
NO3: 5 ppm
PO4: 0.046 mg/l

The Milepora today:
Water Parameters:
KH: ~6.85 dKH
Ca: 415 ppm
Mg: ? ppm
NO3: 10 ppm
PO4: 0.092-0.14 mg/

The coral in the last picture is not a plating coral. It is a wild-collected Acropora nasuta (this is what I was told). The growth is just amazing.
6th January 2016 (note that the left bottom branch in the first photo was fragged last month)


The smooth skin is Acropora lokani, which was fragged from this colony:

Finally, I have just noticed how much this mystery Acropora (gemmifera???) has grown since 20th December 2015:

My corals are on a steroid